The blockchain landscape is a fertile ground for innovation, with new applications and technologies emerging at a rapid pace. However, the path to patenting these innovations is fraught with challenges. This article aims to shed light on the complexities and hurdles inventors and companies face when attempting to patent blockchain inventions.

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. The Complexity of Blockchain Technology
    • Technical Aspects
    • Interdisciplinary Nature
  3. Legal Challenges
    • Patent Eligibility
    • Prior Art
  4. Economic Considerations
    • Cost of Filing
    • Monetization
  5. Ethical and Social Implications
    • Open Source vs. Patents
    • Social Equity
  6. Globalization and Jurisdiction
    • Territorial Nature of Patents
    • International Filing
  7. Speed of Technological Advancements
    • Rapid Obsolescence
    • Keeping Up with Innovation
  8. Interoperability
    • Standardization
    • Patent Pools
  9. Enforceability
    • Legal Framework
    • Practical Challenges
  10. Conclusion


The Blockchain Boom

Blockchain technology has moved from the fringes to the mainstream, finding applications in everything from finance and supply chain management to healthcare and governance. The technology’s promise of decentralized, transparent, and immutable transactions has caught the imagination of innovators and investors alike.

The Patenting Paradox

However, the very features that make blockchain revolutionary also make it a complex field when it comes to intellectual property rights. The decentralized, open-source ethos of many blockchain projects clashes with the centralized, exclusive nature of patents. This article explores the multifaceted challenges that arise when trying to patent blockchain inventions.

The Complexity of Blockchain Technology

Technical Aspects

Understanding the Technology

Blockchain is a complex amalgamation of cryptography, data structures, and network protocols. Understanding these technical aspects is crucial for drafting a patent application that accurately captures the invention’s novelty and utility. However, the complexity often makes it challenging even for experts to articulate what exactly should be patented.

Scope of Protection

Determining the scope of protection is another technical challenge. Should the patent cover the entire blockchain architecture, or should it focus on specific components like consensus algorithms, smart contracts, or cryptographic methods? The breadth of the patent can significantly impact its enforceability and value.

Interdisciplinary Nature

Multiple Fields of Innovation

Blockchain technology intersects with various fields like computer science, law, economics, and even sociology. This interdisciplinary nature complicates the patenting process, as it requires expertise in multiple domains to fully understand and articulate the invention.

Conflicting Norms and Standards

Different fields have their own norms and standards when it comes to innovation and patenting. For instance, what is considered groundbreaking in the legal aspect of blockchain may be seen as trivial in the computer science domain. These conflicting perspectives can create hurdles in the patent application process.

Patent Eligibility

Subject Matter Eligibility

One of the most formidable challenges in patenting blockchain inventions is establishing that the subject matter is eligible for patent protection. Laws vary by jurisdiction, but generally, abstract ideas, mathematical algorithms, and business methods are not patentable. Given that blockchain often involves these elements, proving that an invention has a concrete and tangible application becomes crucial.

The Alice/Mayo Framework in the U.S.

In the United States, the Alice/Mayo framework is often used to determine patent eligibility. This two-step test first checks if the patent claim covers an abstract idea. If it does, the second step assesses whether the claim adds something “significantly more” to transform the abstract idea into a patent-eligible invention. Navigating this framework can be particularly challenging for blockchain inventions that often involve complex algorithms.

Prior Art

Exhaustive Searches

Before filing a patent application, an exhaustive search for prior art is essential. This involves scouring patent databases, academic journals, whitepapers, and even code repositories to ensure that the invention is novel. Given the rapid pace of blockchain innovation and the vast amount of publicly available information, this can be a Herculean task.

Establishing Novelty and Non-Obviousness

Even if an invention appears to be novel, it must also be non-obvious to someone skilled in the relevant field. This is a subjective criterion and often becomes a point of contention during the patent examination process. With blockchain, where incremental improvements are frequent, establishing non-obviousness can be particularly challenging.

Economic Considerations

Cost of Filing

Financial Resources

The process of filing a patent is not only time-consuming but also expensive. From hiring patent attorneys to paying filing fees and possibly even fees for professional prior art searches, the costs can quickly add up. For startups and individual inventors, these costs can be a significant barrier.

Opportunity Cost

The time and resources spent on the patenting process are also an opportunity cost, diverting attention away from further research, development, or market penetration. This is a critical consideration for fast-moving fields like blockchain, where delays can result in lost competitive advantage.


Licensing and Royalties

Once a patent is granted, the next challenge is monetization. While licensing can be a lucrative option, finding willing licensees in the blockchain space can be difficult due to the technology’s open-source ethos. Even if licensees are found, negotiating royalty rates and other terms can be complex.

Sale of Patent

Another monetization strategy is the outright sale of the patent. However, valuing a blockchain patent is not straightforward. The technology is still relatively new, and its long-term commercial viability in various applications is not fully understood, making valuation a complex exercise.

Ethical and Social Implications

Open Source vs. Patents

The Open Source Ethos

Many blockchain projects are rooted in the open-source community, which values collaboration and free access to technology. This ethos is often at odds with the concept of patents, which restrict the use of an invention to the patent holder or those licensed by them. Navigating this cultural clash is a significant challenge for those looking to patent blockchain inventions.

Balancing Act

Some companies attempt to strike a balance by adopting a “defensive patenting” strategy. They patent their inventions but make them freely available for others to use, provided that any derivative work is also made open source. While this approach can mitigate some ethical concerns, it also complicates the patenting strategy and may limit monetization options.

Social Equity

Access to Technology

Patents grant exclusivity, which can sometimes result in limited access to technology. In the context of blockchain, which has potential applications in critical sectors like healthcare, governance, and social services, this raises ethical questions. Should a potentially life-saving or life-enhancing technology be restricted by patents?

Inclusivity vs. Profit

The challenge here is to find a middle ground between incentivizing innovation through patents and ensuring that the technology remains inclusive and accessible. Socially responsible licensing models, tiered pricing based on the ability to pay, and public-private partnerships are some ways to address this challenge, but each comes with its own set of complexities.

Globalization and Jurisdiction

Territorial Nature of Patents

Jurisdictional Limitations

Patents are territorial rights, meaning they offer protection only within the jurisdiction where they are granted. For blockchain technologies, which are inherently global and decentralized, this poses a significant challenge. Companies must decide where to file patents, considering both the market potential and the enforceability of the patent in each jurisdiction.

Cross-Border Enforcement

Even if a company holds patents in multiple jurisdictions, enforcing them across borders is a complex and often expensive endeavor. Different countries have different legal systems, standards of proof, and attitudes toward intellectual property rights, all of which can impact the effectiveness of cross-border patent enforcement.

International Filing

The PCT Route

The Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT) offers a pathway for international patent protection, allowing inventors to file a single “international” patent application that can then be converted into national patent applications in PCT member states. While this simplifies the filing process, it doesn’t eliminate the need to navigate the legal intricacies of each jurisdiction during the national phase.

Regional Patent Offices

Some regions, like the European Union, offer regional patent offices where a single application can result in patent protection across multiple countries. However, these systems often have their own set of challenges, including higher costs and the need to translate the patent application into multiple languages.

Speed of Technological Advancements

Rapid Obsolescence

The Fast-Paced Nature of Blockchain

In the world of blockchain, technological advancements happen at breakneck speed. What is considered innovative today may become obsolete tomorrow. This rapid pace poses a unique challenge for patenting, as the typical patent process is anything but fast. From filing to examination to grant, a patent can take several years to materialize.

Strategic Timing

Given this, timing becomes a strategic element in the patenting process. Companies must weigh the benefits of immediate patent filing against the risk of the technology becoming outdated before the patent is even granted. Some opt for provisional patent applications, which can secure an earlier filing date while allowing time for further development before filing a complete application.

Keeping Up with Innovation

Continuous Monitoring

The fast evolution of blockchain technology necessitates continuous monitoring of the innovation landscape. New advancements could potentially render existing patents less valuable or even obsolete. Companies need to stay vigilant and be prepared to adapt their patent portfolios accordingly.

Supplementary Protection Mechanisms

Some jurisdictions offer mechanisms like “patent term extensions” for technologies that have undergone significant improvements or new use-case discoveries after the original patent was filed. While not commonly used in the tech industry, such mechanisms could become more relevant as blockchain technologies find new applications and undergo iterative improvements.



The Need for Common Standards

Blockchain technologies often need to interact with other systems and platforms, requiring a certain level of standardization. However, standardization and patenting can be at odds. If a patented technology becomes a standard, it can limit who can use the standard and under what terms.

Standard-Essential Patents (SEPs)

In some cases, patents that cover these standards become Standard-Essential Patents (SEPs). Owners of SEPs are generally required to license these patents on Fair, Reasonable, and Non-Discriminatory (FRAND) terms. While this ensures broader adoption of the standard, it can limit the patent owner’s ability to maximize profits from the patent.

Patent Pools

Collaborative Protection

Patent pools, where multiple companies contribute patents to a shared “pool,” can be a solution to the interoperability challenge. These pools can facilitate the development of more integrated and functional blockchain systems by allowing participants to freely use each other’s patented technologies.

Governance and Fair Play

However, patent pools come with their own set of challenges, including complex governance structures and the risk of anti-competitive behavior. Ensuring that all participants in the pool have fair and equal access to the pooled technologies can be a logistical and legal hurdle.


Complexity of Enforcement

Once a patent is granted, the next challenge is enforcing it. This is particularly complex in the realm of blockchain, where the decentralized nature of the technology makes it difficult to identify and take action against infringers. Moreover, the global reach of blockchain networks adds an additional layer of complexity to enforcement efforts.

Jurisdictional Issues

Enforcing a patent often requires navigating the legal systems of multiple jurisdictions. This is especially challenging for blockchain technologies, where a single network can span multiple countries, each with its own set of intellectual property laws and enforcement mechanisms.

Practical Challenges

Identifying Infringement

In a decentralized blockchain network, identifying who is infringing on a patent can be like finding a needle in a haystack. Unlike traditional centralized systems, where the responsible entity is easily identifiable, blockchain’s distributed architecture disperses responsibility across multiple nodes or participants.

Cost and Feasibility

Even if an infringer is identified, the cost of legal action can be prohibitive. This is particularly true for smaller entities or individual inventors who may not have the resources to engage in prolonged legal battles. Additionally, the outcome of such actions is uncertain, given the complex and often untested legal landscape surrounding blockchain patents.


The Balancing Act

Patenting blockchain inventions is a complex balancing act that involves navigating technical intricacies, legal hurdles, ethical considerations, and practical challenges. While patents can provide valuable protection and monetization opportunities, the path to obtaining and enforcing them is fraught with obstacles.

Future Outlook

As blockchain technology continues to evolve and mature, it’s likely that the patent landscape will also undergo significant changes. Legislative reforms, judicial precedents, and shifts in public perception could all contribute to shaping this landscape. Companies and inventors must stay agile, adapting their patent strategies to navigate the ever-changing challenges and opportunities.

Final Thoughts

Understanding the challenges of patenting blockchain inventions is the first step toward developing a robust intellectual property strategy in this dynamic field. By being aware of the potential hurdles and actively seeking solutions, innovators can better position themselves for success in the competitive blockchain ecosystem.

This concludes the article on the challenges of patenting blockchain inventions. The journey from innovation to patent is a challenging one, but with the right knowledge and strategy, these challenges are not insurmountable.