Analyzing Nanotech Patents – Latest Nanotechnology Patent Examples (2025)
Nanotechnology—a technology that is transforming materials and systems at the nanometer scale (1-100 nanometers) to create new generations of materials, devices, and systems by manipulating materials atom by atom in new ways.
Nanotechnology is a booming business, with dozens of companies focusing on the field. Nanotechnology has now been around for over a decade and is impacting our lives in many ways. There are also many patents that have been filed for nanoparticles, products made by nanotechnology, and even for different processes used to manufacture materials.
The US Patent Office records show that this year has seen many new companies entering the nanotechnology arena.
Nanotech Advances in 2023
If you’re a fan of the nanotechnology scene, then you’ll be happy to know that there are a lot of exciting things in the pipeline for the next ten years, according to the Nanotechnology Research Foundation. These innovations include applications in bioengineering, wearable sensors, chemical/biological weapons, high-precision 3D printing, and Integrated circuits with features that can be measured in nanometers.
Applications in bioengineering
The field of biomedical engineering is bridging the gap between technology and medicine. It involves the design of devices and materials to treat and diagnose diseases, and enable patients to heal and survive ailments.
Nanotechnology is one of the latest applications in the field. It involves the creation of new nanoscale materials and devices. These nanoscale materials can be used to treat malfunctioning biological systems.
Nanotechnology is a new technology that has the potential to transform the future of medical diagnosis and treatment. It also provides high sensitivity diagnostic techniques and is an enabling technology for the design of new devices.
Nanotechnology can help researchers develop new therapeutics that are more targeted and effective. For example, a nanomedicine can be developed that helps to treat diseases by targeting cancer cells. Currently, phase II clinical trials are underway to test the effectiveness of these nanomedicines.
Nanotechnology-based solutions have been used in the pharmaceutical industry and in medical devices, such as in the design of catheters and blood pressure monitors. They are also being used for the analysis of water and data management.
Using nanomaterials in the biomedical field presents several challenges. There are many issues that must be addressed before clinical trials can be conducted. Among these, a deeper understanding of the impact of drugs on inflammatory and immune response is important.
Nanomaterials have the potential to overcome the limitations of conventional antiviral drugs. However, long-term treatment with antiviral drugs can result in toxic side effects. As a result, scientists and entrepreneurs must work together to advance nanomedicine-based innovations.
Integrated circuits with features that can be measured in nanometers
An integrated circuit (IC) is a microchip with numerous transistors and other components. These components are made on a silicon semiconductor substrate. ICs are used in many different devices. Examples include computers, microwave ovens, toasters, amusement park rides and other home appliances.
The nanometer is a measurement unit that can be used to determine the size of microscopic objects, such as a transistor. It is also a measuring unit for integrated circuits. This enables manufacturers to use this measurement technology to control their manufacturing processes.
One of the most commonly used types of integrated circuits is a random access memory (RAM) chip. The size of a RAM chip varies depending on the type of IC. A single RAM chip can have over a thousand transistors. Other common ICs are microprocessors, analog ICs, and digital ICs.
Since the 1960s, the size of chips has increased enormously. Today’s computer chips have thousands of times the capacity and speed of chips from the early 1970s. In addition, the number of transistors has increased dramatically.
Integrated circuits are often packaged in dual in-line packages (DIP) and leadless chip carriers. Earlier, they were packaged in ceramic flat packs. But the packaging changed in the 1980s and 1990s. Plastic was introduced to commercial circuits, and dual in-line packages became the norm.
An integrated circuit consists of many layers of material that are fabricated by a process called photolithography. Each layer is patterned by photons of a higher frequency. Eventually, each layer becomes thinner than the device width.
High-precision 3D printing method
A high-precision 3D printing method has been developed by researchers at EPFL, making tiny objects with unprecedented precision. This is a promising method for biomedical applications, especially for soft organs and tissue engineering.
The technique is based on electric-field-driven micro scale 3D printing. It allows the construction of micrometer-high structures and the fabrication of soft object using UV-curable liquid co-polymer ink with appropriate viscoelastic properties.
Moreover, the process has proved to have a high sensitivity and selectivity. In addition, this method provides conditions for customized drug delivery platforms.
While the process is still in its infancy, a wide range of industries, including medicine, have shown interest in the technology. Among them are pharmaceuticals, medical equipment, diagnostics, and biomedicine.
Also, the process can be used to prepare microstructures for sensor chips and flexible electronics. The process requires a highly controlled processing environment and the use of additives.
In addition, the process can also produce a variety of nanoparticles, including gold and silver, which have high conductivity and chemical stability. They are also useful for medical applications such as photonics.
Furthermore, the new method allows for the encapsulation of stem cells. Ultimately, it could lead to the development of a new approach for tissue engineering.
The application of the technique can greatly speed up the development of bio-engineering. This is because it can create a complex spatial structure for cell proliferation and differentiation.
Photothermal porous polymer
In the past years, many advances in photothermal porous polymer nanotech have been made. Most of them are related to oil spill cleanup. They provide crude oil heating without using electric energy.
To enhance the photothermal efficiency of NPs, a suitable material architecture is required. One of the most important is the ability to reduce the reflection and transmission of the absorbed light. The encapsulation of a targeting ligand can also impact the NPs surface.
In order to promote the photothermal performance, a CuS-PEI-ICG-FA nanocomposite was prepared. This NP is designed to add specificity and stability.
A CuS NP has a very high molar extinction coefficient. However, a long time laser irradiation may damage normal tissues. Therefore, CuS NPs for theranostic biomedical applications require a laser with a long irradiation time. Moreover, they must show high photothermal efficiency.
PEI is a vital anchoring group polymer. It not only adds quality to sulfide surfaces, but also improves photothermal efficiency. Moreover, the binding of ICG is strong.
The fluorescence emission absorption of the NC is also shown. The peak at 800 nm is present in the final NC. Moreover, the stability of free ICG is demonstrated by the storage stability of the NC over 30 days.
Carbon materials are widely used for photothermal devices. These materials have high light absorption and excellent chemical stability. Moreover, they have abundant conjugated structures that narrow the energy gap.
Wearable sensors
Wearable nanotech sensors are a promising new platform for human activity monitoring. They have the potential to bridge the gap between users and healthcare providers, and help to enhance patient care. These devices are also expected to become an integral part of society in the near future.
However, despite their many potential applications, wearable sensors still face a number of challenges. Some of the main issues include accuracy, selectivity, and privacy.
Nevertheless, the industry is experiencing a growing focus on the development of new applications. This includes wearable biosensors, which monitor physiological parameters such as blood pressure and heart rate. In addition, chemical sensors can be used to measure stress and brain activity.
Other types of sensors that have attracted attention in the field of wearable technology are optical sensors, colorimetric sensors, and electrochemical sensors. Each of these devices has its own benefits and drawbacks.
As with any other type of sensor, these devices are also facing limitations with regards to accuracy, sensitivity, and selectivity. Additionally, they must be lightweight, flexible, and durable.
While wearable sensors have the potential to revolutionize health care, the market for these devices is still in its infancy. Companies are still working to find out what works best for wearables. But the possibilities are endless.
One possible solution could be to develop large-scale, stretchable nanomaterials. Nanocrystals, for example, are a promising building block for wearable sensors. Because of their tunable and solution-processable properties, nanocrystals can be functionalized for wearable applications.
Chemical/biological weapons
The United States is currently attempting to mitigate the threat posed by nanotechnology. However, there have been a number of recent concerns that have centered on the convergence of nanotechnology with other emerging technologies.
Nanotechnology has the potential to create new chemical and biological weapons. It also has the potential to evade medical countermeasures. Therefore, the international community should be monitoring and predicting future threats to the global system.
Some nations are already developing and testing biotechnology-based chemical and biological weapons. However, some states have only recently begun to use small quantities of chemical agents. These advances could change the landscape of war, and the international community should be prepared for the potential future of nanotechnology.
There are several ways to minimize the risks associated with nanotechnology misuse. The first step is to develop a strategic vision that incorporates multidisciplinary approaches. Another step is to assess the effectiveness of existing nonproliferation mechanisms.
Nanotechnology can be used to create highly toxic CBW agents. It can also be used to enhance delivery and regulation of these agents. While there are numerous ways to address the challenges that nanotechnology poses, there are still many uncertainties.
One of the key challenges to combating this technology is its transnational nature. This can reduce the effectiveness of current countermeasures. In order to minimize this risk, the United States must pursue a globalized, multidisciplinary approach to nanotechnology research.
Emergence of Nanotechnology Innovation and Patenting
Nanotechnology, a technology that manipulates atoms and molecules to build tiny structures, like nanowires and nanoparticles, is being used in many fields.
Nanotechnology is a very dynamic field, with new challenges and opportunities emerging all the time. By staying on top of the latest developments in nanotechnology patents and their applications, you can keep your business well ahead of the curve.
Existence of nanotechnology can be found as early as 1789 when a German scientist named Friedrich Zöllner discovered nanospheres, which are now seen in everyday items such as sunscreen and clothing. Information about nanotechnology has been published over the past 25 years and much of this information has been free to the public.
Rather than working at a macroscopic level, nanotechnology manipulates matter at the atomic level. Many research and development projects are focusing on nanomaterials that are useful for medicine and food.
With a growing number of tech startups seeking to innovate and get patents in the nanotechnology, it is important to be aware of all the examples of the latest nanotechnology patent examples.
Nanotechnology and Patents:
The study provides new information on patents in this vital emerging field of technology. The growing commercialization of nanotechnology and its implementation into consumer products has led to a recent surge in the number and scope of patents filed during this period. US patents on Nanotechnology are being released at a faster and faster pace, especially in the last 5 years.
Most of the patents registered for nanotechnology in the US are for medical and food applications. However, new technologies are being developed that focus on other areas such as materials, electronics and optics.
The technology behind creating nanomaterials has jumped by leaps and bounds. Implementing them in pores, surfaces, scaffolds, and more, while also being cost-effective, is the new problem that businesses and researchers are trying to solve.
The following is a graph by Statnano of the number of patents issued in the US related to Nanotechnology in 2020:

Issues involved in Nanotechnology Patenting:
The necessary information has been provided in the patent laws which acquaint a person with the proper procedures.
According to WIPO, while inventions in the field of nanotechnology would, as a general rule, appear to qualify for patent protection, subject to the fulfilment of the relevant conditions of patentability, there are a number of issues that may need further consideration, including for example the following:
- One problem, which is, to a certain extent, shared with a number of other emerging technologies is that the granted claims are overly broad, due at least in part to a lack of available prior art, which could allow patent holders to lock up huge areas of technology. In this context, there is also a perceived risk of overlapping patents.
- Concerning the general conditions of patentability, the question may arise as to whether the reproduction of a known product or structure at an atomic scale would meet the requirements of novelty or, more importantly, inventive step.
- An issue related to the previous one concerns the question of whether the rights of a patent granted on a product without specification of the size of the invention could either be considered infringed by the corresponding nanotechnology invention or form the basis for requesting royalties from the inventor of that invention.
When considering patents for nanotechnology, there are several important considerations to keep in mind:
- Novelty and non-obviousness: The technology must be novel and non-obvious in order to be patentable. This means that the invention cannot be obvious to a person having ordinary skill in the field and it must not be described in prior art.
- Claiming: The claims in a nanotechnology patent application should be drafted to clearly and narrowly define the invention, while also providing enough breadth to cover the full scope of the invention.
- Prior art search: It’s important to conduct a thorough prior art search to ensure that the technology is novel and non-obvious.
- Description of technology: The patent application needs to be described in a clear and concise manner, to make it easy for the patent office to understand the invention and its novelty.
- Technical Expertise: It’s important to consult with a patent attorney or agent who has technical expertise in the nanotechnology field, as well as familiarity with relevant case law, to help navigate the complexities of patenting nanotechnology.
- Compliance: It’s important to ensure that the technology complies with any relevant regulations and standards set by regulatory bodies such as FDA and EPA, as well as international laws, guidelines and agreements.
- Alice Test: It’s important to consider the Alice test and how it may impact the patentability of the invention, as described in my previous answer.
- Industrial application: It is important to indicate the industrial application or potential of the invention in the patent application, as it is one of the key factors that will be considered by the patent office when examining the patent application.
Overall, it is important to consult with a patent attorney or agent who has experience in the nanotechnology field and understands the complexities of patenting nanotechnology, to help navigate these considerations and to ensure that the company’s patent application(s) are as strong as possible.
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