How to Patent Mobile App Ideas
If your app idea is not obvious, then it is unlikely to be patented. In order to patent your idea, however, you will have to meet specific requirements. They include being a fresh and original idea, providing supporting drawings, and providing proof of invention. This article will address the most important factors that must be taken into consideration in order to successfully patent your app idea. Follow these steps to protect your app idea. After you have completed these steps, you will be on your way to having your app patented.
Non-obvious app cannot be patented
To be eligible for a patent, your app idea must solve a problem, be novel, and not have been publicly disclosed. Additionally, your app idea cannot be obvious or a copycat of another product. Luckily, there are a number of ways to get a patent for an app idea. If you’re thinking about pursuing patent protection for your app idea, read on to learn more.
The most difficult patent restriction to overcome is nonobviousness. Non-obvious means that even someone with basic knowledge of the particular technology or idea would consider it a new and useful development. This is a subjective issue that can cause frustration for patent examiners. The good news is that you can appeal for patentability for an idea that isn’t obvious. Listed below are some ways to appeal a non-obvious app idea.
In order to be non-obvious, an invention must be unique and not easily perceived by experts. A new toaster with a higher capacity, for instance, isn’t an obvious invention. Similarly, a new drug or a time machine can’t be patented if it doesn’t work. In other words, a new product can’t be patented if it doesn’t improve the lives of people.
Fresh and original idea
You can patent your fresh and original app idea if it is a breakthrough invention that addresses a need or problem. The World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) defines inventions as ones that have a solution to all of the issues involved in creating the product. An app idea is a digital entity that solves a problem and is therefore a new invention. A mobile app idea must also be fresh and original in order to qualify for a patent.
There are several ways to patent an app idea. First, you must validate that the app is truly original and has never been published anywhere else. You must be the only one to create the idea and it must function in a specific category. This is important, as patent laws restrict the patenting of ideas that don’t have a function. You should also document the entire process of developing an app. After all, the average user does not care who developed it.
Secondly, you must have a good idea for an app. The idea must be useful and affect society positively. A useful app will not only solve a problem for users, but it should also create a sense of friendship and community in society. If your app idea meets these criteria, it can be patented and make a great contribution to society. That’s why it’s so important to make sure your app idea is unique.
While patenting an app idea is not easy, it’s worth it. After all, patenting it gives you the rights to protect your idea against unauthorized copying and use. If you can prove that no one else has created a similar product, it’s worth a try. When you patent your app idea, you’ll have peace of mind knowing that your app won’t become popular because someone else already has the same idea.
Supporting drawings
Visual interfaces are an integral part of mobile app ideas, so it makes sense to include supporting drawings to document your visual interfaces. Aside from flowcharts, figures, and drawings, visual representations are also helpful in patenting your app idea. They remove issues and confusion by clearly presenting the idea. Besides, if your app features a visual interface, your app idea will stand out from the competition.
In order to patent an app idea, you need to document the entire development process, including the prototype. Although you might not have yet created a functional prototype, the whole process of developing the app idea must be documented. This way, you can avoid wasting your time on useless details later. To find out whether there are any pending or existing patents, you should conduct a patent search. The USPTO advises that you perform an advanced search using the Cooperative Patent Classification (CPC).
Proof of invention
App developers and patent attorneys often confuse proof of invention for app ideas with legal proof of concept. Neither one is the same. In fact, patentable app ideas are more likely to be developed by other companies, so you must create a working prototype to prove that your idea is original. It’s also vital to have a working prototype to show to the patent attorney that your idea will provide real-world value to your customers.
To patent an app idea, it must be original and novel. An app idea must solve a problem for users and be novel. While apps are not physical objects, they are considered inventions by the World Intellectual Property Organization. An app idea must be unique and solve a real problem – and it can’t simply be a product or service – not an entertainment app. If your app idea does not meet these criteria, it will be more difficult to patent.
Patenting an app requires an extensive legal process, which can include litigation if necessary. It is not advisable to hire the first attorney you encounter; do a thorough research and find the right attorney for your needs within your budget. Besides, you need to document the entire process of developing your app, including any prototypes, to show the court that it’s not a mere idea. The more proof you can provide, the more likely you are to get your app patented.