Inventors and Patents From Salem, Massachusetts

If you have been to Salem, Massachusetts, you might be interested in some of the patents issued to local residents. These include a color-based stereoscopic projection system developed by Stratham resident Ian Turner. Dartmouth College of Hanover was also a recipient of a patent developed by three Salem area inventors: Solomon Diamond, Broc Burke, and Bradley Ficko.

Beulah Louise Henry

Beulah Louise Henry, known as Lady Edison, was a prolific inventor of the twentieth century. She is credited with more than 110 inventions and has 49 patents to her name. Henry worked for several companies before establishing her own company in New York. She also served as a consultant for many others. Despite her varied interests, she was able to make her mark on the world through her inventions.

Henry’s post-war patents cover a variety of subjects, including kitchen appliances, typewriter attachments, toys, and sewing technologies. Her work shows increasing technical prowess as the years passed. For instance, her patent for inflatable inner chambers in dolls allowed them to be much lighter. This patent was used in thousands of toys sold in the 1950s.

Beulah Louise Henry was a former governor of North Carolina and launched her career as an inventor in 1912. She created the sewing machine, a typewriter, and children’s toys. She was a pioneer in the field of manufacturing. While she faced many obstacles during her time in the nineteenth century, she eventually found success.

Throughout her life, Henry’s story has attracted the attention of historians. She is often described as a “New Woman” in newspaper accounts. She was single, financially independent, and a member of society’s “New Women” movement. These women had bobbed hair, a white collar job, and were generally out of sight.

Robert J. Salem

Salem’s many patents are testament to his commitment to the advancement of medicine and technology. The listing of his patents includes those he has applied for as well as those he has already been granted by the USPTO. He has also filed for patents on other products and is an active member of several scientific and business organizations.

Anna Lewis

Anna Lewis was born in Salem, Massachusetts, and studied mechanical drawing at the Patent Office of the State of Massachusetts. In addition to working on a number of patents, Lewis contributed to the development of the light bulb and telephone. He was the son of slaves who had fled to America to escape slavery, and he became a skilled draftsman after studying at a patent firm. He later worked for Thomas Edison, and developed his own inventions.


CommScope is one of the companies that has been assigned a patent for its innovative use of radio frequency subscriber drop units. The patent application was filed Sept. 23, 2013, and has been awarded to the company. The patent describes the use of printed circuit boards with ground plane layers and housings with ground walls. The CommScope team consists of seven co-inventors. They include Gregory Pinn of Dallas, Texas, and Chin Choi-Feng of Carrollton, Texas. Other co-inventors include Michael German of Secaucus, N.J., and George Brooks of Allen, Texas.

Patheon Softgels

Patheon Softgels was assigned two patents. The first patent was filed on Jan. 12, 2017. The inventors were Henricus Van Duijnhoven of den Bosch, The Netherlands, Helena Maria de Albuquerque Ferreira Teles of Breda, The Netherlands, and Melanie Francois Geraldine Bayarri of Tilburg, The Netherlands.

The University has an interest in the patents and inventions of University personnel, which were conceived as a result of University research or employment. This interest includes materials, time, and facilities used at the University. The University will compensate the inventors upon commercialization.

B/E Aerospace

B/E Aerospace was recently awarded a patent (9,284,055) on a vehicle seat that provides simultaneous articulation of the seat pan and back. This patent was created by three co-inventors, including Michael Beroth, a resident of Winston-Salem, and Javier Valdes-De-La-Garza, a resident of Miami. The patent was filed on April 8, 2014.