Inventors and Patents From the City of Spokane

The Spokane Valley is home to an inventor whose patent application was approved May 17 this year. While it is important to patent an invention, a patent is not a guarantee that the idea will become a successful business. Dennis Crouch, co-director of the Center for Intellectual Property and Entrepreneurship, says about 50 percent of patents expire for one reason or another.

PTMT processing results in about 12 percent of inventors being associated with more than one regional component area

PTMT processes patents by matching counties and cities to at least one of several regional component areas. Consequently, about 12 percent of first-named inventors are associated with more than one region. Patent counts are then allocated equally among the matched areas.

Among children born in the United States, Asian Americans grow up to be the most likely to become inventors. Their rates of invention are much higher than those of all other racial groups, but national research suggests that there are disparities within this group as well. According to one study, Asian Americans have higher rates of earning a bachelor’s degree compared to white Americans. The rates vary among Asian subgroups; for example, a higher proportion of Asians living in Taiwan have higher rates than white Americans.

The data derived from PTMT processing may be inaccurate because of rounding processes that affect the numbers in tables. This process results in data that do not add up to the totals shown. Nonetheless, this data aggregation may help researchers assess the extent to which regional component areas are associated with patenting activity.

This data shows that the process of invention is becoming increasingly complex. Furthermore, individual productivity for invention is decreasing. These trends may reinforce one another, adding to the complexity of the process. These findings point to the need for complex systems analysis tools and methods.

The patent system is an important tool for promoting technological innovation and promoting technology transfer. The WIPO has many programs that support technology transfer and disseminate technical information. These programs include the Inventor Assistance Program, which matches developing country inventors with patent attorneys, and the Patent Drafting Training Program, which helps users of the patent system acquire practical skills.

Spokane’s oldest and densest neighborhood

A look at the history of Spokane’s oldest and denkiest neighborhood will reveal the history of a number of prominent citizens. One of these men, John W. McConnell, lived at 207 Eighth Avenue. He erected the house himself thirteen years ago and was a superintendent of the city’s new artillery and cavalry schools and a director of Traders National Bank. A Knights of Columbus grand knight, McConnell was also a successful farmer and stock-raiser. He had also served in the Clarke & Curtis mill.

Another of the earliest Spokane citizens was John C. Butte, who lived near the Butte Reduction Works until 1888. He was from the old Scottish-Irish Herrick family and represented them in Spokane.

Another Spokane citizen is Graham Barclay Dennis, president of the Warehouse & Realty Company, a million-dollar corporation. He was instrumental in building the first high school in Spokane and five district school buildings. He has one child, Graham Dennis Lammers. While he may be a successful businessman, his family is also known as good citizens. For him, a good citizenship means being concerned with the welfare of the city and county.

Spokane Valley’s longest time between a patent being filed and granted

In July, a patent was granted in Maple Valley for construction of fence panels and component parts. The invention was patented on July 17, 2020 by Eric N. Knudsen. In the last decade, the number of patents approved has steadily increased, growing from about 225,000 in 2009 to more than 285,000 in 2019. But with so many patents, the patent system has become increasingly cumbersome, according to IPWatchdog’s Gene Quinn.

Today, the average wait time between a patent being filed and granted in the Spokane Valley is 17.2 months, but this wait time may vary. It varies depending on the Technology Center you’ve chosen and the technical subject matter of your patent. In 2012, the average wait time was 32 months. That’s less than 3 years!