You have an idea for a new product, and want to patent it. But what next? It is crucial to file a patent application in order to protect your invention and your intellectual property. However, it can be complex and time-consuming to get a patent. You may wonder how to determine if you need a patent attorney for help. But do you need a patent attorney? Being a patent attorney with over 20 years of preparing and filing patent applications, the answer to me is yes, it is highly advisable to hire a patent attorney. Before you laugh at my self-interest in answering the question, there are good reasons for my answer and there are some important things you need to know before making a decision.

Who are Patent Attorneys?

A patent attorney is a professional in patent laws. Patent attorneys have prior work experience as scientists, programmers, or engineers in a particular technological art.

There are several advantages to hiring an experienced patent attorney with domain knowledge expertise, including:

  1. Technical Expertise: An experienced patent attorney with domain knowledge expertise will have a deep understanding of the technical aspects of the invention, which is essential for properly drafting and prosecuting a patent application. They will be able to explain the invention in a way that makes it clear to the patent office how the invention is novel and non-obvious.
  2. Strategic Counsel: An experienced patent attorney with domain knowledge expertise can provide valuable strategic counsel on how to build and protect the patent portfolio, including advice on how to avoid potential infringement issues, and how to position the patent for licensing or sale.
  3. Time-saving: An experienced patent attorney with domain knowledge expertise can save time by understanding the relevant prior art and laws, and by having a good understanding of the patent office procedures and practices. They can help to expedite the patent application process and increase the chances of getting a patent granted.
  4. Stronger Patent: An experienced patent attorney with domain knowledge expertise will be able to draft a stronger patent application, which can increase the chances of getting a patent granted and also make the patent more valuable. A stronger patent can also be more difficult to challenge or invalidate.
  5. Cost-effective: Hiring an experienced patent attorney with domain knowledge expertise can be cost-effective in the long run, as they will be able to identify and address potential issues early in the process, which can prevent costly mistakes and delays down the road.

The Hybrid Expertise of a Patent Attorney

Patent attorneys are a unique blend of technical wizard and legal expert, making them indispensable in the patent process. They have technical degrees—often in engineering, software, biology, or chemistry—which enables them to grasp the intricacies of your invention.

This technical grounding is complemented by their comprehensive legal training, which includes passing the notoriously challenging Patent Bar Exam.

More Than Just a Legal Advisor

While the primary job of a patent attorney is to help you secure patents, their role extends beyond mere legal proceedings. They are your strategists and advisors who can forecast potential challenges and opportunities in patenting your invention.

Their insights can guide you on when to file, what to include, and how to navigate the patent landscape to align with your business goals.

A Strategic Partner in Innovation

For startups, every resource is valuable, and every decision can have significant impacts. A patent attorney does more than fill out paperwork; they align your intellectual property strategy with your business objectives.

Whether it’s deciding between a utility patent or a design patent, understanding international patent considerations, or navigating patent disputes, they are your strategic partner through it all.

Crafting the Application: An Art and Science

The actual drafting of a patent application is where a patent attorney truly shines. They translate the technical documentation of your invention into a legal form that maximizes the chances of patent grant.

Their expertise in claim drafting can be the difference between a robust patent that effectively deters competitors and a weak one that leaves you vulnerable to infringement.

Navigating Complex Waters with Ease

Patent attorneys stay abreast of the latest developments in patent law and technology, ensuring that they can adeptly handle even the most complex scenarios.

For a startup, this means having an advisor who can provide up-to-date advice on everything from patentability criteria to the impact of new laws on existing and future patents.

Educators at Heart

A great patent attorney also serves as an educator for your startup, demystifying aspects of the patent process and empowering you with knowledge.

They help you understand the nuances of intellectual property rights, offering tailored workshops or sessions for your team to ensure everyone understands how crucial IP is to your business’s success.

Your Defender in Disputes

In the unfortunate event of a patent dispute, your patent attorney is your defender, equipped to protect your rights aggressively.

Whether it’s enforcing your patents against infringers or defending your innovations from unfounded claims by others, they ensure your intellectual property remains protected, allowing you to focus on growing your business.

They share many similarities. Both have passed the PTO exam for registration they are required to have some technical training. Both are competent in the requirements for filing, prosecuting, and preparing patent applications with USPTO.
Two happy successful young businessmen standing and shaking hands on business meeting

What is the difference between a patent attorney and patent Agent?

They share many similarities. Both have passed the PTO exam for registration they are required to have some technical training. Both are competent in the requirements for filing, prosecuting, and preparing patent applications with USPTO.

Patent agents and patent attorneys differ in their ability to practice law. A patent attorney is a licensed lawyer who has completed law school and taken the examination to become a registered attorney in that state. A patent agent cannot give legal advice and is not licensed to practice law.

In any legal proceeding involving federal or state court, only lawyers can represent you. A patent agent can often be less expensive than a patent lawyer due to differences in legal education. While both can prepare patent applications and prosecute the USPTO, only attorneys can practice law. An attorney, for example, can represent patent litigation before the courts.

What Sets Them Apart?

While both patent attorneys and patent agents are qualified to prepare and file patent applications, the key differences lie in their legal qualifications and the services they can provide beyond the patent process.

Legal Representation: A Crucial Divergence

A patent attorney, being a licensed lawyer, can represent you in legal proceedings. This ability is pivotal if your intellectual property rights are challenged or if you need to enforce your patents against infringement.

Patent attorneys can draft and negotiate contracts, handle licensing agreements, and provide comprehensive legal advice on IP-related matters. This legal expertise is particularly beneficial if your startup operates in a complex legal and regulatory environment.

Beyond Patents: Comprehensive Legal Advice

For startups, where decisions can have broad implications, a patent attorney can be a strategic advisor beyond just securing patents. They can guide you through business transactions, help with corporate structuring, and ensure compliance with IP laws not just in the U.S., but internationally.

Their ability to interpret and navigate through various legal landscapes can safeguard your innovations and provide a solid foundation for your business’s growth.

Cost Considerations: Budgeting for Expertise

While patent agents might offer a cost-effective solution for straightforward patent application drafting and filing, patent attorneys bring added value that could prevent costly legal mistakes long-term.

Think of hiring a patent attorney as a strategic investment—spending wisely now could mean significant savings and greater IP security down the road.

Making the Choice: Who Do You Need?

Deciding whether to hire a patent attorney or a patent agent often depends on the complexity of your invention, the size of your business, and your long-term business goals. If your startup’s needs are limited to filing a patent, a patent agent might suffice.

However, if your IP strategy involves broader legal planning, or if you operate in a highly competitive or litigious sector, the comprehensive skills of a patent attorney are indispensable.

Streamlined Communication with USPTO

Both patent agents and attorneys can communicate effectively with the US Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO), ensuring your applications are accurately processed. However, in complex cases where legal issues might affect patentability, the broader legal knowledge of a patent attorney can be a significant advantage.

Do I Need A Patent Attorney To File For A Patent?

To apply for a Patent, you don’t need to be a Patent Attorney. You can file for a patent on your invention as an inventor. Is it a good idea? No.

It is difficult to write a patent. It is not easy to communicate the technical details of an invention. You also need to protect your million-dollar idea. Patent law is a complex legal field that deals with highly technical topics. Even if your invention seems simple, it can be difficult to file a patent.

You could, for example, make your prototype entirely from 3D printed thermoplastic. While you could use other types of 3D printing materials to make your prototype, the patent office might reject your patent unless you explicitly state so. You may also be subject to other oversights and omissions that could limit the patentable inventions you are allowed to make.

It is a smart idea to have an attorney review what you have written if you plan to create your own patent. This will save you money and provide the same benefits as hiring a lawyer to prepare your patent application.

Simplifying the Complex

The world of patents is filled with complex legal jargon and intricate procedures that can be daunting. A patent attorney has the expertise to simplify these complexities. They can translate your innovative concepts into a robust patent application that not only meets the stringent requirements of the USPTO but does so in a way that maximizes the scope of your protection.

This level of precision and clarity in drafting patent applications is hard to achieve on your own and can be the difference between a strong, enforceable patent and one that is easily challenged.

More Than Just Filing

While the physical act of filing a patent application might seem straightforward, the strategy behind what, when, and how you file is where a patent attorney adds significant value.

They can provide strategic insights that align with your business goals, such as determining the right type of patent (utility, design, or plant) and the right markets for filing (considering international protections that might be beneficial).

This strategic approach ensures that your patent aligns with your business’s long-term objectives and market strategy, providing a foundation not just for protection but for potential investor interest and business growth.

Risk Management

Filing a patent on your own opens up risks that might not be immediately apparent. Common pitfalls include insufficiently describing the invention, which can leave key features unprotected, or disclosing too much and hampering future patent efforts.

Patent attorneys are adept at navigating these risks, ensuring that your application is not only complete but also strategically set up to avoid potential legal challenges or loopholes that competitors could exploit.

Cost Versus Value

One of the deterrents of hiring a patent attorney is often the cost. However, when you consider the potential for costly mistakes that could result from an improperly filed patent, the value of investing in professional legal assistance becomes clear.

Think of hiring a patent attorney as a form of risk insurance—it’s an investment that protects against future legal challenges, which can be far more costly than the initial expense.

Ongoing Support and Defense

The role of a patent attorney doesn’t end with the filing of the patent; they become your long-term partner in managing and defending your intellectual property.

From handling the responses to USPTO actions to enforcing your patent against infringers or defending against invalidity challenges, a patent attorney stands ready to protect your intellectual property. This ongoing support is crucial as your business grows and as others in the industry might look to challenge your competitive edge.

Top Reasons Why You Should Consult A Patent Lawyer While Filing

While filing a patent is the recommended course of action to take when trying to protect your intellectual property, it is not easy. The process is quite lengthy and can not only be confusing but also tiring for you.

Once you start the process, you may be tempted to quit halfway through. However, a patent lawyer can help you navigate through all this in the following ways:


The truth is that you may not have all the information you need in order to file your patent successfully, especially when it comes to legal issues. A patent attorney can give you great advice on the type of patent to get, how long it will take, any non-disclosure agreements that you may need, and the appropriate compensation for those who worked on the project with you. Navigating these issues peacefully can speed up your patenting process.


Another advantage of dealing with a patent lawyer is that they have helped others go through the process numerous times before. This means that they are better placed to advise you on which route to take and how to file cheaply.

Since they know the process inside out, they will be able to help you keep up with important deadlines and requirements. This will work in your favor as you will only need to submit documents once.

Most patents undergo rejection on their first submission, with most examiners wanting more information to prove the invention’s legitimacy. Your patent lawyer can be of great help when defending your design patent. This is especially true when it comes to dealing with infringement charges either from you or by a third party. They can help you sort out the problem in a way that protects your property.

Defending your patent

Most patents undergo rejection on their first submission, with most examiners wanting more information to prove the invention’s legitimacy. Your patent lawyer can be of great help when defending your design patent.

This is especially true when it comes to dealing with infringement charges either from you or by a third party. They can help you sort out the problem in a way that protects your property.

Navigating Legal Complexities with Precision

Filing a patent is not merely about documenting your invention; it’s about protecting your innovative ideas in a manner that is legally sound and robust. A patent lawyer brings a depth of legal expertise, ensuring that every technical detail of your invention is covered and presented in a way that strengthens your claim.

They are skilled in crafting applications that not only meet stringent legal standards but also position your patent in a way that enhances its enforceability and scope.

Strategic Intellectual Property Planning

More than just dealing with the immediate needs of a patent application, patent lawyers provide strategic counsel that can shape your startup’s future. They help you consider the bigger picture, including how your intellectual property fits into your long-term business goals.

Whether it’s advice on patent portfolios, considering international patents, or planning for future innovations, a patent lawyer ensures that your intellectual property strategy is robust and forward-thinking.

Avoiding Costly Mistakes

The cost of a poorly executed patent application can be high—not just in financial terms but also in potential lost opportunities. Mistakes in filing patents, such as inadequate detail or improper claims, can lead to rejections or weak patents that are easily challenged.

Patent lawyers are meticulous in their approach, significantly reducing the risk of such errors and ensuring that your application is as strong as possible from the outset.

Speed and Efficiency in the Patenting Process

Time is of the essence in the patenting process, especially in fast-moving industries. Patent lawyers understand the intricacies of the patent system and can navigate this process more swiftly and effectively than someone with no legal background. Their expertise can expedite the review and approval of your patent, ensuring that your innovations are protected as soon as possible.

Proactive Defense Against Infringement

Securing a patent is just the beginning. Defending your patent against infringement and other challenges is crucial for maintaining your competitive edge. Patent lawyers are not just defenders of your intellectual property; they are proactive strategists who can anticipate and mitigate risks before they become larger issues.

Their ability to litigate, negotiate, and resolve conflicts can protect your business from potential threats and ensure that your patents hold their value over time.

Empowering Your Team with Knowledge

Knowledge is power, especially when it comes to intellectual property. Patent lawyers do more than handle legal documents; they educate your team about the importance of IP and how it can be leveraged to your competitive advantage.

Through workshops, training sessions, and regular consultations, they empower your team to think strategically about innovation and ensure that everyone understands the critical role of patents in your business’s success.

The Top Qualities Of A Great Patent Attorney

Patenting can be quite expensive, depending on your invention. In order for you to enjoy the handwork of your invention, you need to file a useful patent. The only technique to do this is by ensuring that you have a fantastic patent attorney in your corner. Thus, the following characteristics can help you pick an attorney with your best interests at heart:


Patents are usually granted on a first-come, first-served basis. This means that if your idea gets leaked out and another person ends up filing their patent before you, you lose all your hard work.

For this reason, the patent lawyer that you choose to work with should be trustworthy. Whatever you discuss should be kept between the two of you. In fact, if they can sign a non-disclosure agreement, the better.

Communication skills

Patenting is a process that can easily take up to 2 years. Thus, you and your attorney will be in each other’s lives for quite a while. In order for it to triumph, you need to ensure that you choose a lawyer with great communication skills.

Your patent attorney should be able to keep you up to date with patenting process, effectively keep you up to date with any deadlines and communicate any hiccups with the process.

Patent lawyers are required to have a scientific degree together with their law degree. This is to enable them to understand your invention and determine its merit before beginning the patenting process. Before you work with any patent attorney, you need to check whether they have any knowledge in the area of your invention. If they don’t, they might be able to understand what your work is about and this may derail the process.


Patent lawyers are required to have a scientific degree together with their law degree. This is to enable them to understand your invention and determine its merit before beginning the patenting process.

Before you work with any patent attorney, you need to check whether they have any knowledge in the area of your invention. If they don’t, they might be able to understand what your work is about and this may derail the process.

Deep Industry Insight

The most effective patent attorneys bring more than just legal expertise; they possess a profound understanding of the specific industries their clients operate in. This knowledge allows them to anticipate trends, potential legal challenges, and opportunities for patentable innovation.

They grasp the nuances of the industry’s technology and competitive landscape, which enables them to tailor a patent strategy that not only protects but also enhances your market position.

Analytical and Inventive Thinking

Patent law is one of the most complex fields, requiring not just legal knowledge, but also the ability to think creatively and analytically. A great patent attorney breaks down complex legal and technical information into understandable, actionable steps.

They excel in transforming a broad idea into a fully realized patent application that captures the essence of an invention while ensuring broad and robust protection.

Precision and Attention to Detail

In patent applications, every word matters. Precision in language and a meticulous approach to detailing every aspect of an invention are critical.

Your patent attorney should be someone who demonstrates an obsessive attention to detail, reducing the risk of misinterpretation or errors that could be exploited to invalidate your patent. This thoroughness extends to diligently reviewing the patent drafts and ensuring that every claim is clear and defensible.

Exceptional Communication Skills

A great patent attorney articulates complex ideas clearly and persuasively, not only in written applications but also in discussions with clients, negotiations with potential licensees, or arguments before a court.

They keep you informed about the progress of your patent applications and educate you about the strategic decisions behind patent filings. Their ability to effectively communicate both the big picture and the fine details can make a significant difference in how confidently you can pursue your business objectives.

Proactive and Client-Focused Approach

The best patent attorneys are proactive, anticipating potential hurdles and taking action before issues arise. They maintain a keen focus on your business goals, adapting their strategies as your business evolves and as new opportunities for IP protection emerge.

Their proactive stance means they’re not just reacting to the legal landscape but helping you navigate it with foresight and foresight.

Ethical and Trustworthy

Ethics and integrity are non-negotiable traits in a patent attorney. They handle sensitive information regarding your inventions, which requires a high level of trust and confidentiality.

Look for an attorney who respects client confidentiality, adheres to the highest ethical standards, and transparently communicates their actions and decisions.

What paperwork might an attorney ask me to sign in order for the services?

An attorney may ask you for a power of attorney when working with you. A power of attorney allows the person who has this power to represent you or handle your patent application. A power of attorney gives the person the authority to communicate directly with the USPTO. This does not grant the person any ownership rights to your invention. You can terminate this relationship at any time by granting power of attorney to another person.
Power of attorney

This is the Power of Attorney, which shows that you have appointed them to represent you and manage the patent application process for you.

An attorney may ask you for a power of attorney when working with you. A power of attorney allows the person who has this power to represent you or handle your patent application. A power of attorney gives the person the authority to communicate directly with the USPTO. This does not grant the person any ownership rights to your invention. You can terminate this relationship at any time by granting power of attorney to another person.

The PTO cannot answer questions from you or your agent if you are represented only by a patent attorney.

Engagement Letter

Before any work begins, your patent attorney will likely ask you to sign an engagement letter. This document outlines the scope of services the attorney will provide, the fees you can expect, and the terms of the engagement between you and your legal counsel.

Think of it as a roadmap that sets clear expectations on both sides, ensuring there are no surprises about what services you are receiving and how you will be billed for them.

Fee Agreement

Alongside the engagement letter, you’ll find the fee agreement. This contract specifies what fees are due for the attorney’s services and when payment is expected.

It might include rates for hourly services, flat fees for specific tasks like drafting a patent application, and other potential costs like filing fees or expenses for additional research. Understanding and agreeing to this document upfront can help manage your budget effectively and avoid any misunderstandings about costs.

Power of Attorney

A Power of Attorney (POA) is crucial when dealing with the US Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO). By signing a POA, you authorize your patent attorney to communicate with the USPTO on your behalf and make decisions regarding the filing and handling of your patent application.

It’s important to note that this document doesn’t give your attorney any ownership interest in your invention or the resultant patent; it merely allows them to act as your representative during the patent application process.

Invention Disclosure Form

This might not be a formal legal document, but it’s equally crucial. The Invention Disclosure Form is where you document what your invention is, how it works, and any relevant information that can affect patentability, such as prior art, previous disclosures, or any public use.

Your attorney will use this information to assess the novelty of your invention and to draft a patent application that accurately reflects the unique aspects of your invention.

Confidentiality Agreement

If your invention hasn’t been publicly disclosed, maintaining confidentiality is key to preserving its patentability. Your patent attorney may require a Confidentiality Agreement to be signed by both parties.

This agreement ensures that any information shared about your invention will not be disclosed to third parties and will be used solely for preparing your patent application.

Hire a Patent Attorney

It is important to know when you should hire a patent attorney. This will help make the patent application process as smooth as possible. To learn more about filing a patent application for your invention, please contact us.

Aligning IP Strategy with Business Goals

A patent attorney does more than protect your ideas; they ensure your intellectual property strategy is perfectly aligned with your business goals. They bring a strategic vision to the table, helping you see beyond the immediate benefits of patenting an invention.

They consider how your patents fit into larger market trends, how they can bolster your competitive edge, and how they impact your business model. This strategic alignment is crucial for startups that need to maximize every asset.

Leveraging Expertise to Navigate the Patent System

The patent system can be labyrinthine and unforgiving for the uninitiated. Missteps can be costly, leading to rejections or even leaving your innovations unprotected. Patent attorneys navigate this system daily.

They know the pitfalls and the strategies to overcome them, significantly smoothing the path to patent grant. Their expertise not only includes the law itself but also the nuances of patent office procedures and examiner expectations.

Enhancing Patent Quality and Enforcement

Quality matters when it comes to patents. A well-drafted patent can deter competitors and attract investors. Patent attorneys ensure that your applications are robust, covering all technical details and crafted to withstand scrutiny.

Moreover, if the need arises to enforce your patent or defend against infringement claims, having a seasoned attorney already familiar with your IP can be invaluable. They stand ready to defend your rights, ensuring that your business can continue to innovate without undue interference.

Cost Management and Long-term Planning

While the upfront cost of hiring a patent attorney might seem high, the long-term savings can be substantial. Mistakes in DIY patent filings can lead to more than just application rejections; they can result in costly litigation or missed opportunities.

Patent attorneys help you avoid these pitfalls. They also assist in planning your patent portfolio, advising on which inventions to patent, how to structure your applications, and when and where to file them. This can prevent unnecessary spending and maximize your IP’s value.

Building a Relationship with a Trusted Advisor

Your relationship with a patent attorney can be one of the most strategic partnerships your startup forms. As your business grows and evolves, your attorney can continually adapt your IP strategy to fit new products, markets, and competitive threats.

They become not just a service provider, but a trusted advisor who understands the ins and outs of your business and can provide tailored advice based on your specific needs and goals.