The year 2022 witnessed significant developments in the global patent landscape. Patent applications and grants reflect the pace and direction of innovation, providing insights into the technological advancements driving various industries. This article delves into the key statistics from 2022, offering a comprehensive review of the trends and patterns observed in patent filings worldwide. We will explore the most notable statistics, shedding light on the countries, sectors, and technologies that dominated the patent scene in 2022.

1. How Many Patent Applications Were Filed Worldwide in 2022?

In 2022, the total number of patent applications filed worldwide was 3.4 million.

This figure highlights the robust pace of global innovation, as inventors and companies continue to develop new technologies and solutions.

The steady increase in patent filings underscores the importance of intellectual property in protecting and commercializing these innovations.

How Many Patent Applications Were Filed Worldwide in 2022?

2. How Many Patent Applications Did the USPTO Receive in 2022?

The United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) received 669,000 patent applications in 2022.

As one of the leading patent offices globally, the USPTO’s high volume of filings reflects the United States’ strong innovation ecosystem and the significant role of American inventors in global technological advancements.

3. Which Country Filed the Most Patent Applications in 2022?

China filed the highest number of patent applications globally in 2022, with 1.59 million filings. China’s dominance in patent filings is a testament to its rapid technological development and the emphasis placed on protecting intellectual property within the country.

The sheer volume of filings demonstrates China’s growing influence in various high-tech industries.

4. How Many Patent Applications Were Filed with the EPO in 2022?

The European Patent Office (EPO) saw 193,460 patent applications in 2022.

The EPO serves as a central patent office for many European countries, and the substantial number of filings highlights the vibrant innovation landscape across Europe.

The EPO’s rigorous examination process ensures that only high-quality patents are granted.

5. How Did Japan Perform in Patent Filings in 2022?

Japan received 289,200 patent applications in 2022.

Japan’s strong performance in patent filings underscores its continued leadership in technological innovation, particularly in fields such as electronics, automotive, and robotics.

The country’s focus on R&D and innovation drives its high volume of patent applications.

6. How Many Patent Applications Were Filed in South Korea in 2022?

South Korea filed 233,000 patent applications in 2022.

South Korea’s impressive number of filings reflects its robust innovation capabilities, particularly in industries like electronics, telecommunications, and automotive.

The country’s commitment to advancing technology is evident in its strong patent activity.

7. How Many International Patent Applications Were Filed Under the PCT in 2022?

The number of international patent applications filed under the Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT) was 278,100 in 2022.

The PCT system simplifies the process of seeking patent protection in multiple countries, making it an attractive option for inventors aiming for international markets.

The steady use of the PCT system indicates its importance in global patent strategy.

8. What Was the Average Time to Grant a Patent Globally in 2022?

The average time to grant a patent globally in 2022 was 22 months.

This duration reflects the time taken for patent offices to examine applications, conduct prior art searches, and ensure that only novel and non-obvious inventions receive patent protection.

The average time can vary significantly between different patent offices.

9. How Many Patents Did the USPTO Grant in 2022?

The USPTO granted 374,006 patents in 2022.

This high number of grants highlights the productivity and efficiency of the USPTO in processing applications and underscores the significant contributions of American inventors to the global innovation landscape.

10. How Many Patents Did the EPO Grant in 2022?

In 2022, the EPO granted 81,391 patents.

The EPO’s rigorous examination process ensures that granted patents meet high standards of novelty and inventive step, contributing to the quality and reliability of patents in Europe.

The substantial number of grants reflects the diverse and dynamic innovation activities across the continent.

11. How Many Patents Did China Grant in 2022?

China granted 695,946 patents in 2022. The large number of grants demonstrates China’s commitment to fostering innovation and protecting intellectual property.

The high grant rate also reflects the country’s efficient patent examination process and the rapid growth of its technological capabilities.

12. How Many Patents Did Japan Grant in 2022?

Japan granted 182,000 patents in 2022. This significant number of grants underscores Japan’s robust innovation environment and its focus on high-tech industries.

The country’s patent system plays a crucial role in protecting and promoting technological advancements.

13. How Many Patents Did South Korea Grant in 2022?

South Korea granted 122,000 patents in 2022.

South Korea’s strong patent grant numbers highlight its vibrant innovation ecosystem and its emphasis on developing and protecting new technologies.

The country’s patent office is known for its efficiency and thorough examination process.

14. What Percentage of Total Patent Filings Did the Biotechnology Sector Account for in 2022?

The biotechnology sector accounted for 8% of total patent filings in 2022. This significant share reflects the ongoing advancements in biotechnology and the critical role of patents in protecting biotechnological innovations.

The sector’s contributions to healthcare, agriculture, and environmental sustainability are evident in its strong patent activity.

15. How Did Information Technology Patents Fare in 2022?

Information technology patents comprised 12% of total filings in 2022. The high percentage of IT patents highlights the rapid pace of innovation in this sector and its importance in driving technological progress.

IT patents cover a wide range of technologies, from software and hardware to telecommunications and data processing.

How Did Information Technology Patents Fare in 2022?

16. What Was the Share of Pharmaceutical Patents in 2022?

The pharmaceutical industry represented 10% of total patent applications in 2022.

This significant share underscores the importance of patents in the pharmaceutical sector, where they play a critical role in protecting new drugs and therapies.

The industry relies heavily on patent protection to secure market exclusivity and recoup R&D investments.

17. How Did Renewable Energy Technology Patents Perform in 2022?

Renewable energy technology patents increased by 7% in 2022. This growth reflects the global commitment to transitioning to sustainable energy sources.

Innovations in this field are essential for addressing climate change and reducing reliance on fossil fuels.

Patents in renewable energy cover a wide range of technologies, including solar power, wind energy, bioenergy, and energy storage solutions.

The increase in renewable energy patents indicates ongoing research and development efforts aimed at improving the efficiency and affordability of renewable energy technologies.

Solar energy innovations, such as advanced photovoltaic cells and new materials for solar panels, are driving significant patent activity. Wind energy patents often focus on turbine design improvements and offshore wind farm technologies.

Energy storage solutions, including battery technologies and grid integration methods, are also a major focus, reflecting the need for reliable and scalable energy storage systems to support intermittent renewable sources.

18. How Did AI-Related Patents Fare in 2022?

Artificial intelligence patents grew by 15% in 2022. The rapid growth in AI patents highlights the increasing importance of AI technologies across various industries.

Innovations in AI are transforming fields such as healthcare, finance, and manufacturing, driving significant technological progress and attracting substantial patent activity.

The rapid growth in AI patents reflects the broad application of AI technologies and the continuous evolution of machine learning algorithms, natural language processing, and computer vision.

Innovations in AI are enabling new capabilities in predictive analytics, personalized medicine, autonomous vehicles, and intelligent robotics.

The healthcare sector, for instance, is leveraging AI for diagnostic tools, treatment planning, and patient monitoring. In finance, AI is being used for fraud detection, risk assessment, and algorithmic trading.

19. What Was the Growth Rate for Medical Device Patents in 2022?

Medical device patent filings increased by 9% in 2022.

The growth in medical device patents reflects ongoing advancements in healthcare technology and the critical role of patents in protecting innovations that improve patient care and medical outcomes.

Innovations in diagnostic tools, therapeutic devices, and health monitoring systems are driving this growth.

The medical device sector is characterized by continuous innovation aimed at enhancing the accuracy, efficiency, and effectiveness of medical treatments.

Patent activity in this field includes advancements in imaging technologies, minimally invasive surgical instruments, wearable health monitors, and telemedicine solutions.

Innovations such as next-generation MRI machines, robotic-assisted surgery systems, and smart health devices are pivotal in improving patient outcomes and expanding access to healthcare services.

20. How Significant Are SMEs in Global Patent Filings?

Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) accounted for 25% of global patent filings in 2022. SMEs play a crucial role in driving innovation, particularly in niche markets and emerging technologies.

Their contributions to the patent landscape highlight the importance of supporting small businesses in the innovation ecosystem.

SMEs often bring agility and creativity to the innovation process, allowing them to develop disruptive technologies and novel solutions.

Despite facing challenges such as limited resources and funding, SMEs are pivotal in advancing technologies across various sectors, including biotech, IT, and clean energy.

Government support programs, funding initiatives, and innovation hubs are essential in helping SMEs overcome these challenges and scale their innovations.

21. What Percentage of Patents Were Filed by Universities in 2022?

University-filed patents made up 15% of total applications in 2022. Universities are key players in the innovation landscape, conducting cutting-edge research and collaborating with industry to bring new technologies to market.

The significant share of university-filed patents underscores the impact of academic research on technological advancement.

Universities often focus on fundamental research that can lead to groundbreaking discoveries and new technologies.

Patents filed by universities cover a wide range of fields, from life sciences and engineering to information technology and environmental sciences.

Academic institutions frequently collaborate with industry partners to translate research findings into practical applications and commercial products.

22. How Prevalent Were Female Inventors in Patent Filings in 2022?

Female inventors were listed on 13% of patent applications in 2022. This statistic highlights the ongoing efforts to increase gender diversity in innovation and intellectual property.

Encouraging greater participation of female inventors is crucial for fostering a more inclusive and diverse innovation ecosystem.

The representation of female inventors in patent filings is gradually increasing, reflecting initiatives aimed at promoting diversity in STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) fields.

Efforts to support female entrepreneurs and innovators include mentorship programs, funding opportunities, and networking events.

Despite progress, further work is needed to close the gender gap and ensure equal opportunities for all inventors.

23. What Was the Global Patent Litigation Rate in 2022?

The global patent litigation rate increased by 5% in 2022. The rise in litigation reflects the growing value and importance of patents in competitive industries.

Companies are increasingly seeking to protect their intellectual property and enforce their patent rights, leading to more disputes and legal actions.

The increase in patent litigation is driven by several factors, including the high stakes involved in technological advancements and the strategic use of patents to block competitors.

What Was the Global Patent Litigation Rate in 2022?

Industries such as pharmaceuticals, biotechnology, and information technology are particularly prone to patent disputes due to the significant commercial value of their innovations.

Patent litigation can be costly and time-consuming, but it is often necessary to defend intellectual property rights and maintain market position.

24. What Was the Average Cost of Obtaining a Patent Worldwide in 2022?

The average cost of obtaining a patent worldwide in 2022 was $56,000. This figure includes fees for filing, examination, and legal representation.

The substantial cost highlights the importance of strategic planning and resource allocation in the patenting process, particularly for startups and SMEs.

The cost of obtaining a patent can vary significantly depending on the complexity of the invention, the number of jurisdictions sought for protection, and the need for professional services such as patent attorneys.

Filing fees, maintenance fees, and costs associated with patent prosecution and enforcement all contribute to the total expense.

Despite the high costs, patents are valuable assets that can provide significant commercial benefits and competitive advantages.

25. How Did Patent Filings in the Automotive Sector Change in 2022?

The number of patents filed in the automotive sector increased by 6% in 2022. The growth in automotive patents reflects ongoing innovations in electric vehicles, autonomous driving technologies, and connectivity solutions.

Patents in this sector are critical for securing technological advancements and maintaining competitive advantage.

The automotive industry is undergoing a significant transformation driven by the shift towards electric and autonomous vehicles.

Innovations in battery technology, electric drivetrains, and advanced driver-assistance systems (ADAS) are contributing to the increase in patent filings.

Connectivity solutions, such as vehicle-to-everything (V2X) communication and infotainment systems, are also driving patent activity as automakers seek to enhance the driving experience and safety.

26. What Share of Total Applications Did Green Technology Patents Represent in 2022?

Green technology patents made up 8% of total applications in 2022.

The significant share of green technology patents underscores the importance of sustainable innovations in addressing global environmental challenges.

Patents in this field cover advancements in renewable energy, waste management, and pollution control.

Green technology patents are essential for developing solutions that promote environmental sustainability and reduce the impact of human activities on the planet.

Innovations in this sector include advancements in renewable energy generation, such as improved solar panels and wind turbines, as well as technologies for waste reduction and recycling.

Pollution control innovations, such as emissions reduction technologies and water treatment systems, also contribute to the growth of green technology patents.

27. What Was the Global Rejection Rate for Patent Applications in 2022?

The global rejection rate for patent applications was 25% in 2022.

This rate reflects the rigorous examination process employed by patent offices to ensure that only novel and non-obvious inventions receive patent protection.

A high rejection rate underscores the importance of thorough patent preparation and strategic filing.

The rejection rate for patent applications varies by jurisdiction and technology field. Common reasons for rejection include lack of novelty, obviousness, and insufficient disclosure.

Patent examiners conduct detailed prior art searches and evaluate applications against strict criteria to maintain the quality and integrity of granted patents.

28. How Did Blockchain Technology Patents Perform in 2022?

The number of blockchain technology patents increased by 12% in 2022.

The growth in blockchain patents reflects the expanding applications of blockchain technology across various industries, including finance, supply chain management, and cybersecurity.

Innovations in blockchain are driving significant technological advancements and attracting substantial patent activity.

Blockchain technology is transforming traditional business processes by providing decentralized, secure, and transparent solutions.

Innovations in this field include advancements in smart contracts, decentralized finance (DeFi) platforms, and blockchain-based supply chain tracking systems.

The increase in blockchain patents indicates growing interest and investment in developing new applications and improving existing blockchain technologies.

29. What Was the Growth Rate for Aerospace Sector Patents in 2022?

The aerospace sector saw a 5% increase in patent filings in 2022. The growth in aerospace patents highlights ongoing advancements in aviation and space exploration technologies.

Innovations in this sector are critical for improving aircraft performance, safety, and expanding human capabilities in space exploration.

The aerospace industry is characterized by continuous innovation aimed at enhancing the performance, efficiency, and safety of aircraft and spacecraft.

Patent activity in this field includes advancements in materials science, propulsion systems, avionics, and space exploration technologies.

Innovations such as lightweight composite materials, more efficient jet engines, and advanced navigation systems are driving patent filings in the aerospace sector.

30. What Was the Total Revenue Generated from Licensing Patents Worldwide in 2022?

The total revenue generated from licensing patents worldwide in 2022 was $150 billion. This substantial revenue reflects the value of patents as a strategic asset for monetizing innovations.

Licensing agreements enable companies to generate income from their intellectual property while fostering collaborations and expanding market reach.


The patent statistics from 2022 reveal a dynamic and rapidly evolving landscape of global innovation. With over 3.4 million patent applications filed worldwide, it’s evident that technological advancements continue to accelerate across various sectors.

Countries like China, the United States, and Japan lead the way in patent filings, reflecting their strong innovation ecosystems and significant contributions to global technological progress.

The data highlights the importance of patents in protecting and commercializing innovations.

Key sectors such as biotechnology, information technology, pharmaceuticals, and renewable energy technologies are driving substantial patent activity, underscoring their critical roles in addressing global challenges and fostering economic growth.

The increasing number of patent applications from small and medium-sized enterprises, universities, and female inventors also points to a more inclusive and diverse innovation landscape.