Patent trends in India have seen significant changes over the past few years, reflecting the country’s growing emphasis on innovation and intellectual property protection. As the Indian economy expands and technology advances, understanding these trends becomes crucial for businesses, inventors, and policymakers. This comprehensive guide delves into the key statistics and insights about patent trends in India, providing a detailed look at the landscape of patent filings, grants, and related activities.

1. How Has Patent Filing Activity Changed in India Recently?

India witnessed a 5.3% increase in patent applications in 2023 compared to the previous year. This rise indicates a growing recognition of the importance of protecting intellectual property among Indian businesses and inventors.

The increase in filings suggests that more entities are investing in innovation and seeking legal protection for their inventions.

This trend is crucial for fostering an environment of creativity and technological advancement in the country.

The uptick in patent applications can be attributed to several factors, including government initiatives to promote innovation, improved awareness about intellectual property rights, and the growth of tech startups and research institutions actively pursuing new inventions.

2. What Was the Total Number of Patent Applications Filed in India in 2023?

The total number of patent applications filed in India in 2023 was 65,000. This figure highlights the vibrant nature of India’s innovation ecosystem.

The diverse range of sectors contributing to this number reflects the country’s broad technological and industrial base.

It underscores the need for robust intellectual property laws and efficient processing systems to manage and protect these innovations effectively.

The high volume of applications also suggests that India is becoming an increasingly attractive destination for both domestic and international innovators seeking to safeguard their intellectual property.

3. What Percentage of Patent Applications Were Filed Domestically?

Domestic patent filings accounted for 40% of the total applications in 2023. This statistic shows that Indian inventors and companies are increasingly recognizing the value of securing patents for their innovations.

It also suggests a healthy level of domestic innovation activity, with local entities actively participating in the patenting process.

The substantial proportion of domestic filings indicates that Indian innovators are not only developing new technologies but are also keen on protecting their intellectual property to ensure competitive advantage in the marketplace.

4. Which Sector Filed the Most Patent Applications in 2023?

The pharmaceutical sector represented 25% of all patent applications in India in 2023. This dominance can be attributed to India’s strong pharmaceutical industry, known for its large-scale production and export of generic drugs.

The focus on pharmaceuticals highlights the sector’s continuous efforts in research and development to create new and improved medications.

Which Sector Filed the Most Patent Applications in 2023?

The significant number of applications from this sector underscores the industry’s role as a major driver of innovation in India, constantly seeking to develop new therapeutic solutions and maintain its competitive edge globally.

5. How Significant Was the Contribution of the IT and Software Sector to Patent Filings?

The IT and software sector accounted for 20% of patent applications in 2023. As one of the fastest-growing industries in India, the focus on protecting software innovations and technological advancements is critical.

This sector’s contributions underline the importance of intellectual property protection in driving technological progress and maintaining competitive advantage in the global market.

The high percentage of patent applications from the IT and software sector reflects India’s position as a global hub for technology development and innovation.

6. What Proportion of Patent Applications Came from Mechanical Engineering?

Mechanical engineering patents comprised 15% of the total applications in 2023. This reflects the ongoing innovation within India’s manufacturing and engineering sectors.

The focus on mechanical engineering patents demonstrates the sector’s commitment to developing new technologies and improving existing processes and products.

The significant number of filings in this area indicates that the mechanical engineering industry remains a vital component of India’s innovation landscape, contributing to advancements in manufacturing efficiency and product development.

7. How Did the Number of Patent Grants Change in 2023?

Patent grants in India increased by 7.5% in 2023. This rise indicates that the Indian Patent Office is becoming more efficient in processing and approving patent applications.

An increase in granted patents is a positive sign for inventors and businesses, as it suggests that their efforts to protect intellectual property are being recognized and validated by the legal system.

This improvement in patent grants can be attributed to the modernization of the patent office, better training for examiners, and possibly an increase in the resources allocated for patent examination.

8. How Many Patents Were Granted in India in 2023?

The Indian Patent Office granted 30,000 patents in 2023. This figure highlights the significant volume of innovations being protected each year.

A high number of granted patents can encourage further innovation by providing inventors and companies with the legal assurance needed to invest in new technologies and products.

The substantial number of granted patents reflects the robust nature of India’s patent system and its effectiveness in recognizing and protecting intellectual property.

9. What Percentage of Granted Patents Were Awarded to Foreign Applicants?

45% of granted patents in 2023 were awarded to foreign applicants. This statistic underscores India’s role as a global player in the intellectual property landscape.

The significant number of foreign patent holders indicates that India is a vital market for international businesses looking to protect their innovations.

The high percentage of patents granted to foreign applicants highlights the country’s attractiveness as a destination for international innovators and underscores the importance of a well-functioning patent system in fostering global business activities.

10. How Many Patent Applications Were Filed by Indian Applicants?

Indian applicants filed 26,000 patent applications in 2023. This number highlights the active participation of Indian inventors and companies in the patenting process.

It reflects a growing awareness of the importance of securing intellectual property rights to protect and commercialize innovations domestically and internationally.

The substantial number of domestic applications signifies a vibrant innovation environment within India, where local inventors are keen on securing patents to protect their inventions and leverage them commercially.

11. What Was the Average Time for Patent Examination in India?

The average time for patent examination in India was reduced to 24 months in 2023.

This reduction in examination time is a positive development for inventors and businesses, as quicker examination times mean faster protection for their innovations.

It also indicates improvements in the efficiency and effectiveness of the Indian Patent Office.

The decreased examination time can significantly impact the speed at which innovations are brought to market, providing a competitive advantage to inventors who can secure their patents more quickly.

12. How Did the Number of Patent Opposition Cases Change?

Patent opposition cases increased by 8% in 2023. This rise suggests that as the number of patent filings and grants increases, so does the scrutiny of these patents by competitors and other stakeholders.

Patent opposition is a critical aspect of the patenting process, as it ensures that only truly novel and non-obvious inventions receive protection.

The increase in opposition cases indicates a healthy level of vigilance within the innovation ecosystem, where stakeholders actively challenge patents to maintain high standards of patent quality.

13. What Percentage of Patent Applications Were Filed by Women Inventors?

Women inventors accounted for 18% of all patent applications in 2023. This statistic highlights the growing participation of women in innovation and intellectual property activities.

Encouraging more women to file patents can drive further diversity and inclusion in the innovation ecosystem, fostering a broader range of ideas and solutions.

The significant proportion of patent applications from women inventors reflects positive trends towards gender diversity in the fields of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM).

14. What Was the Rejection Rate for Patent Applications in 2023?

The Indian Patent Office rejected 10% of the applications in 2023.

This rejection rate reflects the rigorous examination process that ensures only inventions that meet the required criteria for novelty, non-obviousness, and industrial applicability are granted patents.

What Was the Rejection Rate for Patent Applications in 2023?

It helps maintain the quality and integrity of the patent system.

The rejection rate indicates that the patent office is diligent in its review process, ensuring that only deserving inventions receive legal protection.

15. How Significant Was the Contribution of Startups to Patent Filings?

Startups contributed to 12% of patent filings in 2023. This statistic underscores the important role that startups play in driving innovation in India.

By actively participating in the patenting process, startups can protect their novel ideas and gain a competitive edge in the market.

The significant contribution from startups highlights the dynamic and entrepreneurial nature of India’s innovation ecosystem, where new businesses are continuously developing and protecting groundbreaking technologies.

16. How Active Were Universities and Research Institutions in Filing Patents?

Universities and research institutions filed 10% of the total patent applications in 2023. This highlights the significant role that academic and research entities play in innovation and intellectual property protection.

By filing patents, these institutions can transfer their research into practical applications and contribute to technological advancement.

The active participation of universities and research institutions in the patenting process underscores the importance of academic research in driving national innovation and technological progress.

17. How Influential Were the Top 10 Applicants in Patent Filings?

The top 10 applicants accounted for 15% of all patent applications in 2023.

This statistic highlights the significant influence of major corporations and leading research institutions in the patent landscape.

These top applicants often have extensive research and development resources, enabling them to produce a high volume of innovations that require patent protection.

Their dominant presence in patent filings underscores their role in driving technological advancements and shaping the competitive landscape within their respective industries.

18. How Did the Number of Patent Renewals Change in 2023?

Patent renewals saw a 9% increase in 2023.

This rise indicates that a growing number of patent holders are maintaining their patents beyond the initial grant period, reflecting the ongoing value and relevance of their protected inventions.

Patent renewals are crucial for maintaining the exclusivity of an invention, allowing patent holders to continue benefiting from their intellectual property.

The increase in renewals suggests that many patents remain commercially viable and important for the businesses that own them.

19. What Proportion of Patent Applications Came from the Electronic and Electrical Engineering Sector?

The electronic and electrical engineering sector made up 10% of patent applications in 2023.

This sector’s substantial contribution to patent filings highlights the rapid pace of innovation in electronics and electrical engineering in India.

Innovations in this sector often include advancements in consumer electronics, telecommunications, and industrial equipment.

The high number of patent applications from this sector underscores its critical role in technological progress and economic development.

20. How Significant Were Patent Applications for Green Technologies?

Patent applications for green technologies increased by 12% in 2023.

This rise reflects a growing focus on sustainable innovation and the development of environmentally friendly technologies.

Green technologies encompass a wide range of innovations aimed at reducing environmental impact, such as renewable energy, waste management, and sustainable agriculture.

The increase in patent applications in this area indicates a strong commitment to addressing global environmental challenges through technological solutions.

21. How Many Patent Applications Did the Indian Patent Office Process in 2023?

The Indian Patent Office processed 70,000 patent applications in 2023.

This figure includes new filings as well as ongoing applications from previous years.

The high volume of processed applications demonstrates the capacity and efficiency of the Indian Patent Office in handling a large number of patent filings.

Efficient processing is essential for timely granting of patents, which in turn encourages continued innovation and investment in research and development.

22. What Was the Abandonment Rate for Patent Applications in 2023?

The abandonment rate for patent applications was 15% in 2023.

This rate reflects the proportion of applications that were not pursued to completion, either due to withdrawal by the applicants or failure to meet examination requirements.

A high abandonment rate can result from various factors, including strategic decisions by applicants to focus on more promising inventions, financial constraints, or negative examination reports.

Understanding the abandonment rate is important for assessing the overall efficiency and effectiveness of the patenting process.

23. What Was the Average Cost of Obtaining a Patent in India in 2023?

The average cost of obtaining a patent in India was $1,500 in 2023.

This cost includes filing fees, examination fees, and associated legal expenses.

The cost of patenting can vary depending on the complexity of the invention and the need for legal representation.

An affordable patenting process is crucial for encouraging a broad range of inventors, including startups and individual innovators, to seek patent protection for their inventions.

24. What Proportion of Patent Applications Came from the Biotechnology Sector?

The biotechnology sector contributed 8% of patent applications in 2023.

This sector’s contributions highlight the importance of biotechnological innovations in areas such as healthcare, agriculture, and environmental management.

What Proportion of Patent Applications Came from the Biotechnology Sector?

Patent protection is vital for the biotechnology industry, where substantial investments in research and development are necessary to bring new products to market.

The significant number of applications from this sector underscores its role in driving advancements in life sciences and related fields.

25. How Has the Indian Patent Office Improved Its Capacity in 2023?

The Indian Patent Office hired 200 new examiners in 2023 to speed up processing.

This increase in staffing is part of broader efforts to enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of the patent examination process.

Additional examiners help reduce the backlog of applications and shorten the time required for patent examination, which benefits inventors and businesses seeking timely protection for their innovations.

This improvement in capacity reflects the Indian Patent Office’s commitment to maintaining high standards of service.

26. How Many Patents Were in Force in India by the End of 2023?

The number of patents in force in India reached 200,000 by the end of 2023.

This figure represents the total number of active patents that are legally recognized and enforceable in the country.

A high number of patents in force indicates a vibrant innovation ecosystem where inventors and businesses actively maintain their intellectual property rights.

It also reflects the ongoing commercial relevance and utility of these patents in various industries.

27. How Many Patent Applications Were Filed by Foreign Entities in 2023?

Foreign entities filed 39,000 patent applications in India in 2023.

This substantial number of filings by foreign applicants underscores India’s importance as a market for international businesses seeking to protect their innovations.

The high volume of foreign applications highlights India’s attractiveness for global companies looking to expand their presence and safeguard their intellectual property in the country.

It also indicates confidence in India’s patent system and its ability to provide robust protection for intellectual property rights.

28. How Has the Indian Patent Office Improved Its Records Management?

The Indian Patent Office digitized 95% of its records by 2023. This digitization effort is part of a broader initiative to modernize the patent office and improve the accessibility and efficiency of its services.

Digitized records facilitate quicker searches and examinations, reduce administrative burdens, and enhance transparency in the patenting process.

This improvement in records management reflects the patent office’s commitment to leveraging technology to better serve inventors and businesses.

29. How Significant Were AI and Machine Learning Patents in 2023?

AI and machine learning patents accounted for 5% of total filings in 2023.

This growing area of innovation highlights the increasing importance of artificial intelligence and machine learning technologies in various industries.

Patents in this sector cover a wide range of applications, from healthcare to finance to autonomous systems.

The significant number of filings reflects the rapid pace of development in AI and machine learning and the need for legal protection to secure competitive advantages.

30. What Was the Rejection Rate for Pharmaceutical Patents in 2023?

The rejection rate for pharmaceutical patents was 20% in 2023. This higher rejection rate compared to the overall rejection rate suggests stringent examination standards for pharmaceutical patents.

The rigorous scrutiny is necessary to ensure that only genuinely novel and non-obvious pharmaceutical inventions receive patent protection.

The high rejection rate highlights the challenges faced by pharmaceutical companies in securing patents, but it also helps maintain the quality and integrity of patents granted in this critical sector.


Understanding patent trends in India provides valuable insights into the country’s innovation landscape and the effectiveness of its intellectual property system.

The statistics highlighted in this article reflect the dynamic nature of patent activities across various sectors and underscore the importance of a robust patent system in fostering innovation and economic growth.

As India continues to enhance its patent processes and encourage diverse participation from domestic and international inventors, it solidifies its position as a key player in the global intellectual property arena.

Whether you are a startup, an established business, or an individual inventor, staying informed about these trends can help you navigate the patent landscape more effectively.

If you have any further questions or need assistance with patent-related matters, our team at PatentPC is here to help.

With our extensive experience and expertise, we can provide you with the guidance and support you need to protect your intellectual property effectively.