The Startup and New Business Guide for North Dakota Inventors With Patentable Inventions

The America Invents Guide is an easy-to-use reference book covering everything from business startup to patents and licensing. It also offers money-saving tips. It contains hundreds of references and is written in a conversational style. It is perfect for anyone interested in entrepreneurship or a career in innovation. A business plan is also included, so you can see the business’ potential and how to proceed from there.

Starting a business in North Dakota

As an inventor, you may wonder how to start a business in North Dakota. The process is simple: first, you need to patent your invention. A patent is a certification of ownership that is granted to new inventors. A patent is not registered with the North Dakota government, but rather with the United States Commissioner of Patents & Trademarks. If you are considering starting a business in North Dakota as an inventor, you should read this guide.

While there are many benefits to starting a business in North Dakota for inventors, you should be aware that businesses tend to hold the most power. They are more likely to benefit from patent incentives and other business benefits, while employee-inventors may have limited or no legal recourse. In North Dakota, automatic assignment provisions are preferable. This means that a business can decide what to do with the intellectual property, and when to use it.


For North Dakota inventors with patentable inventions, there are several different options available. The first step is to file an invention disclosure with the Office of Innovation and Economic Development (IED) in the state of North Dakota. The IED will review the invention disclosure for commercial potential and intellectual property protection. It may then assign the invention to the NDSU Research Foundation for marketing, licensing, and IP protection.

Provisional patents are a great way to protect an idea before pursuing a full patent. These patents are valid for a year, and are ideal for those whose ideas will change over the course of a year. They are also less expensive and easier to obtain. Additionally, they can be reviewed by an attorney. Before applying for a license, make sure you know all the requirements for the licensing process in your state.

A patent is a form of intellectual property that grants the owner exclusive rights to use the invention. In order to qualify for a patent, an invention must be useful, novel, and not obvious. Patentable inventions can be machines, processes, products, and compositions. Design patents can cover ornamental designs and manufactured articles. A plant patent covers a new variety of an asexually reproduced plant.

A license is an agreement that grants the Licensor the rights to use the Technology and Patent Rights of another party. During the term of the license, the Licensor can develop a New Technology. In such cases, the Licensor will own the technology. In such cases, the Licensee must assign all rights to the Licensor. Once an agreement is signed, the license will grant access to the technology.


If you have a patented invention, you may qualify for a license to sell it as a patented invention in North Dakota. The licensing process is not complicated and can be very profitable for you. However, you should consider a few things before you decide to sell your invention. For example, you must know the laws and requirements of patents in North Dakota. Secondly, you need to determine the marketability of your invention.

The USPTO requires that you are a living individual to obtain a patent. In addition, you must be at least eighteen years old to obtain a patent. Fortunately, there are a number of different permits available, including a special permit for North Dakota inventors with patentable inventions. But, in general, a permit is required for all inventors with patentable ideas.


In North Dakota, a licensed patent attorney can assist you in the process of filing for a patent for your invention. They handle domestic and foreign patent applications. These attorneys have extensive experience in virtually every sector of technology, including biotechnology, computer hardware and software, communication networks and systems, automotive patents, consumer electronics, clean technology research, and construction technologies. If you are considering filing for a patent for your invention, it is a good idea to get a quote from a North Dakota patent attorney.

Another way to get help in the patent process is to volunteer with a local patent office. This is an excellent way to make your idea a reality. A patent attorney can help you get your product or idea to the market while providing free legal services. Volunteering can be a great way to help the local economy and the community. You can also volunteer your time to help a neighbor in need by helping them with the patent application process.

If you have an invention that relates to the insurance industry, you may be eligible for a patent. Historically, insurance patents only covered technological aspects, and this is still the case in most countries. However, recent court decisions have encouraged more inventors to apply for patents that cover methods of doing business. This type of patent may cover processes that are fundamental to the insurance industry, such as calculating premiums, reserves, underwriting, and more.


In North Dakota, there are numerous ways to protect your brand and protect your intellectual property. Using the right branding and marketing tactics can help you secure your patents, protect your reputation, and build your business. In addition to securing your brand, you can also protect your product or service by licensing it to an authorized manufacturer or distributor. This is especially important if you are selling your product in other states.

NDSU faculty members and researchers are required by law to report inventions to IED for assessment for potential commercial value and IP protection. During this process, the researchers and inventors may need assistance with IP rights preservation and confidentiality. If you are seeking a license for your invention, NDSU has resources to help you get started. The Office of Innovation and Economic Development can also help you protect your intellectual property.

In 2017, 230 patents were granted in South Dakota. That number represents an increase of seven percent from 2016. Additionally, 207 patents in South Dakota were issued in 2017. In North Dakota, the numbers were lower: 204 issued in 2017 than in South Dakota. However, there were 230 South Dakota inventors who filed for a patent during that year. That means that the competition between North Dakota and other neighboring states will be increasingly tough. Branding your business with the help of a professional trademark and logo can help you gain recognition.

If you have been unable to get a patent, you can sue for infringement. This process is quite formal and requires an attorney with experience in patent litigation. The attorney should also know the laws in North Dakota. If you are unable to secure a license, you should consult with a patent attorney. In addition to obtaining a patent, you should also pay ongoing fees for maintaining your intellectual property.