Startup and New Business Guide for Washington Inventors With Patentable Inventions

There are many resources available for Washington inventors, including the US Inventor group, a business incubator, and the US Patent & Trademark Office. If you are looking to patent your invention, a startup and new business guide can help you navigate the legal system. You can also learn more about US Inventors’ Speakers Page to learn about other experts.

StartUp Grind DC

Startup Grind DC is a local chapter of the global start-up community. This group is focused on connecting innovators and business leaders to share best practices. The organization has been helping entrepreneurs build their businesses since it started in Silicon Valley and has now spread to other cities. It has helped millions of entrepreneurs secure funding and connect with strategic partners. Inventors with patentable inventions can join StartUp Grind DC for a wide range of resources and support.

The group also includes people with an entrepreneurial background, such as John Harthorne, the co-founder and CEO of Postmates. He is a native of Munich, Germany. He attended the AngelPad Accelerator in San Francisco and founded Postmates in 2011. Today, the company has grown from a small startup to a global company and has partnered with a variety of businesses. In addition to helping people find local restaurants, Postmates has become the largest on-demand delivery fleet in the country, with 13,000 delivery vehicles serving more than 30 metropolitan areas.

Quick Start License

If you’re looking for an inexpensive way to obtain a patent for your innovative product or service, the WashU Quick Start License is an excellent option. This licensing program has no upfront licensing fees and no past patent costs. In addition, it offers a low flat patent royalty rate. Before you apply, you must submit a business plan and get approved by the university’s Office of Technology Management (OTM).

When applying for a UW license, you must meet certain minimum standards. These include the amount of royalty you’ll be paid from sales and the amount of the license you’ll need to invest in the development of your product. You can start low, but increase the amount of investment as your business grows. In addition, the UW will ensure that your product is marketed as aggressively as possible.

The UW Quick Start License for Washington inventors with patent-eligible inventions is the most flexible licensing option. It allows you to invest in your technology while maintaining control over patent prosecution. The license also includes due diligence milestones that require you to indemnify the university and mark your products with protected intellectual property. The UW is an independent state agency, not a private company, and licensing agreements between the university and startup are negotiated carefully.

You must also know the rules surrounding disclosure of your invention to the public. US patent law dictates a one-year countdown before revealing your invention. You’ll need to sign a confidentiality agreement before you disclose your invention to non-confidential parties. There are also several requirements to follow before you can disclose your invention to the public. There’s a deadline of one year for a patent to be granted.

GW’s Technology Commercialization Office

GW’s Technology Commercialization Office is a resource for entrepreneurs, startups, and researchers who are looking to commercialize their discoveries. The office provides step-by-step guidance and support to help an inventor protect their inventions through the patenting process. The Technology Commercialization Office continuously evaluates an inventor’s invention as it moves through the patenting process.