The World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT) system is pivotal in global patent protection, facilitating the process of securing patents across multiple jurisdictions. Understanding the trends and statistics related to WIPO patent applications provides valuable insights into global innovation patterns and the strategic behaviors of countries and industries. This article delves into the latest WIPO patent application statistics, offering a comprehensive analysis of how these numbers reflect the state of global innovation.

1. How Many Patent Applications Were Filed Under the WIPO PCT in 2023?

In 2023, the total number of patent applications filed under WIPO’s Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT) was 278,100. This substantial figure underscores the widespread reliance on the PCT system by inventors and companies worldwide.

The PCT allows applicants to seek patent protection in multiple countries through a single application, streamlining the process and reducing the complexities associated with filing in multiple jurisdictions.

The continuous growth in PCT filings is a testament to the global nature of innovation and the importance of protecting intellectual property on an international scale.

2. Which Country Filed the Most PCT Applications in 2023?

China led the world in PCT filings in 2023, with 70,100 applications. This dominant position reflects China’s rapid advancements in technology and innovation.

Over the past decade, China has made significant investments in research and development, fostering an environment conducive to technological progress.

The high number of filings from China highlights the country’s focus on protecting intellectual property and its ambition to become a global innovation leader.

3. How Did the United States Rank in PCT Filings in 2023?

The United States ranked second in PCT filings in 2023, with 59,600 applications. This strong showing demonstrates the sustained innovative capacity of the U.S., driven by its diverse technology and industrial sectors.

The U.S. remains a major player in global patent activity, contributing significantly to worldwide technological advancements.

American companies and institutions continue to prioritize patent protection as a means to safeguard their innovations and maintain competitive advantage.

How Did the United States Rank in PCT Filings in 2023?

4. What is Japan’s Contribution to PCT Applications?

Japan filed 50,200 PCT applications in 2023, ranking third globally. Japan’s high volume of patent filings is indicative of its advanced technological landscape, particularly in sectors such as electronics, automotive, and robotics.

Japanese companies are known for their continuous innovation and dedication to developing cutting-edge technologies.

The consistent number of filings from Japan underscores its commitment to maintaining a strong presence in the global innovation ecosystem.

5. How Many PCT Applications Did Germany File in 2023?

Germany ranked fourth with 18,800 PCT applications filed in 2023. Germany’s strong performance in patent filings is a testament to its robust industrial and engineering sectors.

The country’s focus on high-tech industries and engineering excellence drives a significant portion of its patent activities.

German companies are actively involved in developing new technologies and protecting their intellectual property to secure market leadership.

6. Where Does South Korea Stand in PCT Filings?

South Korea filed 16,600 PCT applications in 2023, ranking fifth.

South Korea’s position reflects its strengths in electronics, telecommunications, and automotive industries. The country’s investment in research and development is clearly mirrored in its patent filing activities.

South Korean companies are at the forefront of technological innovation, continually pushing the boundaries to create new and improved products.

7. What Proportion of PCT Applications Are Filed by the Top Five Countries?

The combined filings from the top five countries—China, the United States, Japan, Germany, and South Korea—accounted for 76% of all PCT applications in 2023.

This concentration highlights the significant contributions of these innovation powerhouses to the global patent landscape.

These countries have established themselves as leaders in technological advancements and continue to drive global innovation through substantial investments in research and development.

8. How Are Middle-Income Countries Performing in PCT Filings?

The number of PCT applications filed by middle-income countries grew by 7% in 2023.

This growth indicates that emerging economies are increasingly recognizing the importance of patent protection in fostering innovation and economic development.

Countries like India and Brazil are notable contributors to this trend, with their governments and industries making concerted efforts to enhance their innovation capabilities and protect intellectual property.

9. How Many PCT Applications Did India File in 2023?

India filed 5,300 PCT applications in 2023, showing significant growth.

India’s increasing number of patent filings reflects its burgeoning tech and pharmaceutical industries.

The country is rapidly becoming a key player in the global innovation ecosystem, driven by a large pool of skilled professionals and a growing emphasis on research and development.

10. What About PCT Applications from Brazil?

Brazil filed 2,200 PCT applications in 2023, marking an increase from previous years.

This growth illustrates Brazil’s expanding innovation capacity and its efforts to enhance intellectual property protection to support technological advancement and economic growth.

Brazilian companies and research institutions are increasingly engaged in developing new technologies and seeking international patent protection.

11. How Many PCT Applications Were Filed with the European Patent Office?

The European Patent Office (EPO) received 12,300 PCT applications in 2023.

The EPO plays a critical role in the European patent system, providing a centralized platform for patent applications across Europe.

The high number of filings underscores the region’s vibrant innovation landscape, with European companies and institutions actively pursuing patent protection to secure their technological advancements.

12. Which Sector Had the Highest Number of PCT Applications in 2023?

The information technology sector had the highest number of PCT applications in 2023, with 50,000 filings.

The IT sector’s leading position highlights the rapid pace of innovation in areas such as software, hardware, and telecommunications technologies.

The continuous development of new IT solutions and services drives significant patent activity, reflecting the sector’s critical role in the global economy.

13. How Many PCT Applications Came from the Pharmaceutical Sector?

Pharmaceuticals accounted for 25,000 PCT applications in 2023.

The pharmaceutical industry’s substantial patent activity is driven by ongoing research and development of new drugs and therapies.

Patents are crucial for protecting pharmaceutical innovations, allowing companies to recoup their significant investments in R&D and bring new treatments to market.

14. What is the Number of PCT Applications in the Biotechnology Sector?

The biotechnology sector saw 15,000 PCT applications in 2023. Innovations in biotechnology, including genetic engineering and bioinformatics, contribute significantly to this number.

The sector’s dynamic growth is driven by advancements in healthcare, agriculture, and environmental technologies, highlighting the broad impact of biotech innovations.

15. How Many PCT Applications Were Filed for Renewable Energy Technologies?

Renewable energy technologies saw 8,000 PCT applications in 2023.

This reflects the global push towards sustainable energy solutions and the critical role of innovation in addressing environmental challenges.

Companies and research institutions are actively developing new technologies to harness renewable energy sources, reduce carbon emissions, and promote environmental sustainability.

16. What is the Number of AI-Related PCT Applications?

Artificial intelligence-related PCT applications reached 10,000 in 2023.

The growing number of AI patents highlights the rapid advancements and increasing importance of AI technologies across various sectors, from healthcare to finance.

AI innovations are transforming industries, driving efficiency, and creating new opportunities for growth and development.

17. What is the Average Time to Process a PCT Application?

The average time to process a PCT application in 2023 was 30 months.

This duration includes the preliminary examination and the international search report, which are crucial steps in determining the patentability of an invention.

The time taken reflects the thorough examination process required to ensure that only novel and non-obvious inventions receive patent protection.

18. How Has the Number of Female Inventors Changed in PCT Applications?

The number of female inventors listed on PCT applications increased by 5% in 2023. This positive trend indicates a growing involvement of women in innovation and patenting activities.

Promoting diversity and inclusion in the innovation ecosystem is essential for fostering a wide range of perspectives and driving more comprehensive and impactful technological advancements.

19. What Proportion of PCT Applications Are Filed by Universities and Public Research Organizations?

Universities and public research organizations filed 20% of all PCT applications in 2023. These institutions play a vital role in advancing fundamental research and developing new technologies.

The substantial contribution of academic and research institutions to patent filings underscores their importance in the innovation ecosystem and their impact on technological progress and societal development.

20. How Significant Are Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises (SMEs) in PCT Filings?

Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) accounted for 25% of PCT applications in 2023. SMEs play a critical role in driving innovation, especially in niche markets and emerging technologies.

Their agility and ability to quickly adapt to market changes make them significant contributors to the global innovation landscape.

Despite their smaller size compared to large corporations, SMEs often bring novel and disruptive technologies to the market, which can drive significant economic growth and job creation.

SMEs often face challenges in securing the necessary resources for extensive R&D compared to larger companies. However, their innovative potential is immense.

The support from various governmental and non-governmental programs aimed at fostering innovation in SMEs has been instrumental in encouraging patent filings.

21. How Are African Countries Performing in PCT Filings?

The number of PCT applications from Africa grew by 10% in 2023. This growth indicates a positive trend in innovation activities across the continent.

African countries are increasingly recognizing the importance of protecting intellectual property to drive economic development and technological advancement.

This increase in patent filings reflects efforts to improve the innovation ecosystem, including better access to funding, education, and resources for inventors.

Countries like South Africa, Kenya, and Nigeria are leading the way in PCT filings within Africa. The focus on sectors such as biotechnology, renewable energy, and information technology is evident in the types of patents being filed.

22. Which African Country Filed the Most PCT Applications?

South Africa filed the most PCT applications in Africa, with 700 filings in 2023. South Africa’s leadership in PCT filings underscores its robust innovation environment and strong focus on intellectual property protection.

The country’s active participation in the global patent system highlights its commitment to fostering technological advancement and economic growth.

South Africa’s innovation landscape is characterized by strong contributions from both public and private sectors. Universities and research institutions play a significant role in patent filings, often in collaboration with industry partners.

The government’s support for innovation through policies, funding programs, and infrastructure development has also been pivotal in driving patent activities.

Which African Country Filed the Most PCT Applications?

23. What is the Global Grant Rate for PCT Applications?

The global grant rate for PCT applications was 55% in 2023. This rate reflects the proportion of PCT applications that successfully proceed to the national phase and are granted patents.

The rigorous examination process ensures that only novel and non-obvious inventions receive patent protection, maintaining the integrity and value of the patent system.

The grant rate can vary significantly between different countries and patent offices. Factors influencing the grant rate include the thoroughness of the prior art search, the clarity and scope of the patent claims, and the technical field of the invention.

Higher grant rates are often seen in jurisdictions with well-established patent examination procedures and a focus on high-quality patent drafting.

24. How Many PCT Applications Were Filed in the Automotive Sector?

The number of PCT applications in the automotive sector was 12,000 in 2023. The automotive industry’s significant patent activity is driven by advancements in electric vehicles, autonomous driving technologies, and connectivity solutions.

These innovations are transforming the automotive landscape, making patent protection essential for securing technological advancements and competitive advantage.

The automotive sector is undergoing a significant transformation, with a strong focus on sustainability, safety, and connectivity.

Companies are investing heavily in research and development to develop new technologies that meet evolving consumer demands and regulatory requirements.

Patent filings in this sector often focus on electric powertrains, battery technologies, autonomous vehicle systems, and smart connectivity features.

25. How Many PCT Applications Did the United Kingdom File in 2023?

The United Kingdom filed 8,200 PCT applications in 2023. The UK’s robust innovation landscape spans various sectors, including pharmaceuticals, engineering, and information technology.

British companies and institutions continue to prioritize patent protection to safeguard their innovations and maintain their competitive edge in the global market.

The UK’s strong performance in patent filings reflects its commitment to fostering innovation through substantial investments in research and development.

The government’s support for innovation through funding programs and favorable policies has also been instrumental.

26. What About PCT Applications from France?

France filed 7,500 PCT applications in 2023. France’s active participation in the global patent system reflects its strengths in sectors such as aerospace, biotechnology, and luxury goods.

French companies and research institutions are committed to protecting their intellectual property, driving innovation, and contributing to global technological progress.

France has a long history of innovation, supported by a strong network of research institutions and industrial enterprises.

The country’s focus on high-tech industries and luxury goods drives significant patent activity. Innovations in aerospace, pharmaceuticals, and consumer goods are particularly prominent in France’s patent filings.

27. How Many PCT Applications Were Filed by Canada?

Canada filed 5,800 PCT applications in 2023. Canada’s innovation activities are diverse, with significant contributions from the technology, healthcare, and natural resources sectors.

The country’s active engagement in the PCT system highlights its commitment to fostering innovation and protecting intellectual property.

Canada’s innovation ecosystem benefits from a strong emphasis on research and development, supported by government policies and funding programs.

Key areas of patent activity include information technology, biotechnology, and energy technologies. Canadian companies and research institutions are actively engaged in developing new technologies and seeking international patent protection.

28. What is the Number of PCT Applications from Australia?

Australia filed 4,200 PCT applications in 2023. Australia’s contributions to the global patent landscape highlight its strengths in sectors like mining technology, biotechnology, and renewable energy.

Australian companies and research institutions are actively seeking patent protection to secure their innovations and expand their impact globally.

Australia’s innovation activities are supported by a strong research infrastructure and government policies that promote R&D.

The country’s focus on sectors such as mining technology and renewable energy is driven by its natural resource endowments and commitment to sustainable development.

Biotechnology is also a key area of innovation, with significant contributions from academic and research institutions.

29. How Many PCT Applications Were Filed in the Electronics Sector?

The electronics sector accounted for 35,000 PCT applications in 2023. Innovations in consumer electronics, semiconductors, and telecommunications drive substantial patent activity in this sector.

The continuous development of new electronic devices and technologies underscores the importance of patent protection in maintaining a competitive edge and fostering technological progress.

The electronics sector is characterized by rapid technological advancements and intense competition. Companies are continuously developing new products and technologies to meet consumer demands and stay ahead of competitors.

30. What is the Number of PCT Applications in the Medical Devices Sector?

The medical devices sector saw 18,000 PCT applications in 2023. The development of new diagnostic tools, surgical instruments, and health monitoring devices underscores the critical role of patents in advancing medical technology.

Patent protection is essential for encouraging innovation in the medical devices sector, ensuring that new and improved healthcare solutions can be brought to market.

The medical devices sector is driven by the need for innovative solutions to improve patient care and health outcomes.

Companies and research institutions are continuously developing new technologies to address medical challenges and enhance healthcare delivery.


The detailed analysis of WIPO patent application statistics reveals critical insights into the global landscape of innovation.

From the impressive contributions of leading nations like China, the United States, and Japan, to the emerging roles of middle-income countries and the diverse sectors driving patent activity, these statistics highlight the dynamic nature of global technological advancements.

China’s leading position with 70,100 PCT applications and the United States’ strong showing with 59,600 applications underscore the pivotal roles these nations play in global innovation.

The steady contributions from countries like Germany, South Korea, and Japan further emphasize the significance of international collaboration and competition in driving technological progress.

The sectoral analysis reveals that information technology, pharmaceuticals, and electronics are among the most active fields in patent filings, reflecting the rapid pace of innovation and the critical need for patent protection in these industries.

The growing number of AI-related and renewable energy patents also points to the increasing focus on cutting-edge technologies that will shape the future.