The World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) plays a crucial role in the global patent landscape, facilitating the Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT) system that allows inventors to seek patent protection internationally. Understanding the trends in WIPO patent filings provides valuable insights into global innovation patterns and technological advancements. This article delves into the key statistics from 2023, highlighting significant trends and changes in patent filings worldwide. By addressing frequently asked questions, we aim to provide a comprehensive overview of WIPO patent filing statistics and their implications for the future of innovation.

1. How Many International Patent Applications Did WIPO Receive in 2023?

In 2023, WIPO received over 275,000 international patent applications under the Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT).

This record number underscores the increasing reliance on the PCT system for securing global patent protection.

The PCT system streamlines the process of applying for patents in multiple countries, making it an attractive option for inventors looking to protect their innovations internationally.

The steady growth in PCT applications highlights the ongoing trend of globalization in innovation and the importance of securing intellectual property rights across borders.

2. Which Country Filed the Most PCT Applications in 2023?

China filed the most PCT applications in 2023, with over 69,500 filings.

China’s dominance in patent filings reflects its substantial investment in research and development and its strategic emphasis on technological innovation.

The high number of filings also indicates China’s growing influence in the global patent landscape.

This surge in patent activity is a testament to the country’s robust innovation ecosystem, which is supported by strong governmental policies and a focus on high-tech industries.

3. How Many PCT Applications Did the United States File in 2023?

The United States followed China with approximately 59,000 PCT applications in 2023.

This strong showing demonstrates the United States’ ongoing commitment to innovation and its role as a leader in global technological advancements.

The substantial number of PCT filings highlights the importance of the PCT system for U.S. inventors seeking international patent protection.

The U.S. continues to be a powerhouse in various high-tech sectors, from software and biotechnology to aerospace and electronics.

4. What Is the Ranking of Japan in PCT Filings for 2023?

Japan ranked third in PCT filings, with around 50,000 applications in 2023.

Japan’s robust patent filing activity underscores its significant contributions to global innovation, particularly in fields such as electronics, automotive technology, and robotics.

The high volume of PCT applications from Japan highlights its continued leadership in cutting-edge technological developments.

Japan’s strong focus on quality and innovation in manufacturing and technology sectors drives its high patent filing numbers.

5. How Many PCT Applications Did Germany File in 2023?

Germany filed over 19,000 PCT applications in 2023, ranking fourth globally. Germany’s strong performance in patent filings reflects its leadership in engineering, automotive, and manufacturing industries.

The country’s emphasis on innovation and high-quality industrial production drives its substantial patent activity.

Germany’s well-established research institutions and collaboration between industry and academia further bolster its innovation landscape.

6. What Is South Korea’s Position in PCT Filings for 2023?

South Korea submitted approximately 18,000 PCT applications in 2023. This positions South Korea as a key player in the global innovation landscape, particularly in the technology and electronics sectors.

South Korea’s significant number of filings highlights its strategic focus on maintaining a competitive edge through technological advancements and intellectual property protection.

The country’s robust patent activity is driven by its major conglomerates and a vibrant startup ecosystem.

7. What Proportion of PCT Applications Did the Top Five Countries Account for in 2023?

The top five countries accounted for over 75% of all PCT applications in 2023. This concentration underscores the dominance of a few leading nations in the global patent system.

The high volume of filings from these countries reflects their substantial investments in research and development and their strategic use of the PCT system to secure international patent protection.

These countries’ leadership in innovation sets the pace for global technological advancements and competitive dynamics.

8. Which Field Had the Highest Number of PCT Applications in 2023?

The field of digital communication saw the highest number of PCT applications, with over 45,000 filings in 2023.

This trend highlights the rapid advancements and increasing importance of digital communication technologies in today’s interconnected world.

Which Field Had the Highest Number of PCT Applications in 2023?

Innovations in this field, such as 5G, IoT, and wireless communication, are driving significant patent activity.

The surge in digital communication patents reflects the critical role of connectivity in the modern economy and society.

9. How Many PCT Applications Were Filed in the Field of Computer Technology in 2023?

Computer technology was the second most active field, with around 44,000 PCT applications in 2023.

This substantial number of filings reflects the continuous growth and evolution of computer technologies, including software, hardware, and artificial intelligence.

Patents in this field are crucial for protecting the innovations that underpin the digital economy.

The high volume of computer technology patents underscores the ongoing digital transformation across industries.

10. What Was the Number of PCT Applications Filed in Medical Technology in 2023?

Medical technology had over 30,000 PCT applications filed in 2023. This high volume indicates the ongoing innovation in medical devices, diagnostics, and healthcare solutions.

Patents in medical technology are essential for protecting new inventions that improve patient care and medical outcomes.

The significant number of filings in this field highlights the importance of technological advancements in addressing global health challenges.

11. How Many PCT Applications Were Filed in Electrical Machinery and Apparatus in 2023?

Electrical machinery and apparatus saw approximately 25,000 PCT applications in 2023. This category includes a wide range of technologies essential for modern industry and infrastructure.

The significant number of filings reflects the continuous innovation in electrical machinery and the importance of securing patents in this field.

Innovations in this sector drive improvements in efficiency, safety, and sustainability across various industries.

12. How Many PCT Applications Were Filed in the Pharmaceutical Field in 2023?

Pharmaceuticals accounted for over 20,000 PCT applications in 2023. This substantial number underscores the critical role of patents in protecting new drugs and medical treatments.

The high volume of pharmaceutical patents reflects the industry’s ongoing efforts to develop innovative therapies and secure market exclusivity for new drugs.

Pharmaceutical patents are vital for incentivizing research and development in the quest to address unmet medical needs.

13. What Was the Number of PCT Applications Filed in Biotechnology in 2023?

Biotechnology saw around 18,000 PCT applications in 2023. This high number indicates the significant innovation occurring in genetic engineering, molecular biology, and related fields.

Patents in biotechnology are crucial for protecting groundbreaking research and fostering advancements in health, agriculture, and environmental sustainability.

The steady growth in biotechnology patents highlights the field’s transformative potential in various sectors.

14. How Did the Number of PCT Applications Filed by Women Inventors Change in 2023?

The number of PCT applications filed by women inventors increased by 12% in 2023.

This positive trend highlights the growing participation of women in the field of innovation and their increasing contributions to technological advancements.

Encouraging diversity in patent filings is essential for fostering a more inclusive and dynamic innovation ecosystem.

The rise in filings by women inventors reflects efforts to promote gender equality and support women in STEM fields.

15. How Many PCT Applications Were Filed by Universities and Public Research Organizations in 2023?

Universities and public research organizations filed over 15,000 PCT applications in 2023.

This significant number underscores the vital role of academic and research institutions in driving innovation and contributing to the global patent landscape.

Patents from these institutions often result from cutting-edge research and development efforts in various scientific fields.

The high volume of filings from universities and research organizations highlights the importance of public research in advancing knowledge and technology.

16. What Proportion of PCT Applications Came from the Asia-Pacific Region in 2023?

The Asia-Pacific region accounted for over 50% of all PCT applications in 2023.

This dominance reflects the region’s substantial investments in research and development and its strategic emphasis on technological innovation.

Countries like China, Japan, and South Korea are leading contributors to this high volume of patent filings.

The Asia-Pacific region’s leadership in PCT filings underscores its pivotal role in global technological progress.

17. What Percentage of PCT Filings in 2023 Were from Europe?

Europe represented approximately 25% of PCT filings in 2023.

European countries continue to play a significant role in the global patent landscape, particularly in fields such as engineering, pharmaceuticals, and information technology.

What Percentage of PCT Filings in 2023 Were from Europe?

The high volume of filings from Europe highlights the region’s strong commitment to innovation and intellectual property protection.

Europe’s well-established research infrastructure and collaboration between industry and academia drive its substantial patent activity.

18. How Much Did North America Contribute to the Total PCT Applications in 2023?

North America contributed around 20% to the total PCT applications in 2023. The United States, as a major player in the global innovation ecosystem, drives much of this activity.

The substantial number of filings from North America underscores the region’s leadership in various high-tech industries and its strategic use of the PCT system for securing international patent protection.

North America’s robust patent activity reflects its strong innovation culture and technological leadership.

19. What Was the Increase in PCT Applications from Africa in 2023?

PCT applications from Africa increased by 8% in 2023. This growth indicates a rising interest in patent protection and innovation across the African continent.

While the overall number of filings remains relatively low compared to other regions, the increase is a positive sign of the growing importance of intellectual property in supporting economic development and technological advancement in Africa.

Efforts to strengthen IP systems and promote innovation are crucial for sustaining this positive trend.

20. How Much Did PCT Applications from the Middle East Rise in 2023?

The Middle East saw a 10% rise in PCT applications in 2023. This increase reflects the region’s growing focus on innovation and technology-driven economic development.

Countries in the Middle East are investing heavily in research and development, leading to a higher volume of patent filings and a stronger presence in the global patent landscape.

The rise in PCT applications from the Middle East highlights the region’s commitment to diversifying its economies and fostering technological innovation.

21. How Many PCT Applications Were Filed by SMEs in 2023?

Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) filed over 40,000 PCT applications in 2023. This significant number demonstrates the active role that SMEs play in the global innovation landscape.

SMEs are often at the forefront of niche innovations and disruptive technologies, and securing patent protection is crucial for their growth and competitiveness.

The high volume of PCT filings from SMEs highlights their commitment to protecting their intellectual property and leveraging it for business success.

22. What Was the Number of PCT Applications from the Automotive Sector in 2023?

The number of PCT applications from the automotive sector was around 10,000 in 2023.

This reflects the continuous innovation in automotive technologies, including electric vehicles, autonomous driving, and advanced safety features.

The automotive industry’s robust patent activity underscores the sector’s focus on developing new technologies to meet changing consumer demands and regulatory requirements.

Securing patents in the automotive sector is critical for maintaining a competitive edge and fostering technological advancements.

23. How Much Did Green Technology PCT Applications Grow in 2023?

Green technology PCT applications grew by 15% in 2023. This growth indicates a rising global focus on sustainability and environmental protection.

Innovations in green technology, such as renewable energy, energy efficiency, and pollution control, are essential for addressing climate change and promoting sustainable development.

The increase in green technology patents highlights the importance of intellectual property in supporting the transition to a more sustainable future.

How Much Did Green Technology PCT Applications Grow in 2023?

24. What Was the Number of PCT Applications from the Aerospace Sector in 2023?

PCT applications from the aerospace sector exceeded 8,000 in 2023. This substantial number reflects the sector’s ongoing advancements in aviation and space exploration technologies.

Patents in the aerospace sector protect innovations in areas such as aircraft design, propulsion systems, and satellite technology.

The high volume of filings underscores the importance of intellectual property in maintaining technological leadership and driving innovation in aerospace.

25. What Was the Average Processing Time for a PCT Application in 2023?

The average processing time for a PCT application was 24 months in 2023.

This timeline includes the initial international phase, during which the application is examined for patentability, and the subsequent national phase, where the application is pursued in individual countries.

The processing time reflects the thorough examination required to ensure that patents meet the necessary criteria for grant.

Understanding the processing timeline helps inventors and businesses plan their patent strategies effectively.

26. What Percentage of PCT Applications in 2023 Included Requests for Patent Protection in Multiple Countries?

Over 70% of PCT applications in 2023 included requests for patent protection in multiple countries.

This high percentage highlights the global nature of innovation and the importance of securing patent protection across various jurisdictions.

The PCT system facilitates this process by allowing inventors to file a single international application that can be pursued in multiple countries.

The strategic use of the PCT system helps inventors maximize the reach and impact of their patents.

27. Who Were the Top Filers of PCT Applications in 2023?

The top ten filers of PCT applications in 2023 were all multinational corporations. These companies leverage the PCT system to protect their innovations on a global scale.

Leading filers typically come from high-tech industries such as electronics, pharmaceuticals, and automotive.

The dominance of multinational corporations in PCT filings underscores their substantial investment in research and development and their strategic use of intellectual property to maintain market leadership.

28. What Was the Most Significant Increase in PCT Applications by Sector in 2023?

The most significant increase in PCT applications in 2023 came from the electric vehicle (EV) sector, with a 20% rise. This surge reflects the rapid growth and technological advancements in the EV industry.

Innovations in battery technology, charging infrastructure, and vehicle design are driving substantial patent activity.

The increase in EV-related patents highlights the sector’s importance in the transition to sustainable transportation and the competitive dynamics shaping the automotive industry.

29. How Much Did PCT Applications Related to Artificial Intelligence Increase in 2023?

PCT applications related to artificial intelligence (AI) increased by 18% in 2023. This growth indicates the expanding role of AI technologies across various industries, including healthcare, finance, and manufacturing.

Innovations in machine learning, natural language processing, and autonomous systems are driving significant patent activity.

The rise in AI-related patents underscores the transformative potential of AI and the importance of securing intellectual property in this rapidly evolving field.

30. How Extensive Is the Reach of the WIPO PCT System in Facilitating Patent Applications?

The WIPO’s PCT system facilitated patent applications in over 150 countries in 2023. This extensive reach makes the PCT system a critical tool for inventors seeking international patent protection.

The system simplifies the process of filing patents in multiple jurisdictions, providing a streamlined and cost-effective pathway for securing global intellectual property rights.

The broad adoption of the PCT system underscores its importance in supporting innovation and protecting inventions worldwide.


The WIPO patent filing statistics for 2023 highlight key trends and shifts in the global innovation landscape.

From the dominance of leading nations and multinational corporations in patent filings to the rising participation of SMEs and the growing focus on sustainable technologies, these statistics provide valuable insights into the direction of technological advancements.

Understanding these trends helps inventors, businesses, and policymakers navigate the complex world of intellectual property and leverage it to drive innovation and economic growth.

As the global patent landscape continues to evolve, staying informed about filing statistics and trends is crucial for making strategic decisions.

Whether you are an inventor seeking to protect your latest innovation or a business looking to expand your patent portfolio, the WIPO PCT system offers a powerful tool for securing international patent protection and fostering global innovation.