Analyzing Digital Healthcare Patents – Latest Digital Healthcare Patent Examples (2025)
Digital healthcare is a fast-growing industry that’s poised for exponential growth in coming years. As the number of new technological innovations in the field continues to grow, we are seeing an uptick in patents surrounding digital health technology.
There are a number of things to consider when thinking about digital health. These include defining digital health, the trends that are currently shaping healthcare, and the various technologies that are currently being used to improve healthcare. For example, this article focuses on telemedicine, IoT, and blockchain.
Digital Health in Healthcare

Defining digital health
Digital health is defined as the use of information and communication technologies to improve wellness and the delivery of care. It is an emerging area of healthcare, which has the potential to improve access and improve the quality of care. There are many tools, procedures, and software available for consumers to use.
The use of digital technologies has increased as technology has become more advanced. These advances have changed the way patients and clinicians interact. In turn, these changes have had an impact on the entire healthcare enterprise.
As a result, there are several areas where digital health is important. Some of the key areas include telemedicine, which can improve patient-centricity and lower costs. Another important factor is enhancing patient and family engagement.
Digital health is a multidisciplinary topic that requires a collaborative approach. To achieve this, researchers must focus on building the best possible digital health tools while avoiding overoptimistic technocentric solutions. A strong leadership team is essential.
While the most common question when it comes to digital health is “what is it,” the answer is more complex. Research should consider how to create tailored solutions that can increase access, enhance the efficiency of care, and provide equitable benefits for all patients.
One way to accomplish this is through behavioral and social science research. They are well suited to investigate the psychological constructs that underlie health disparities. Additionally, they can generate data that can be used to inform digital health interventions.
Healthcare priorities and trends
In recent years, the healthcare industry has benefited from new innovations in curing diseases, finding diseases, and preventing diseases. However, the industry faces challenges in the future. Fortunately, trends in digital health are poised to continue and improve in the next few years.
For decades, the healthcare industry has been largely driven by technologies. Innovations in the field have been a response to rising demand for high-quality medical service. But now, the sector is facing new challenges and is seeking ways to adapt and thrive.
One of the biggest challenges is the growing prevalence of chronic conditions. Chronic diseases can lead to medical debt and negative financial outcomes. Researchers have found that the costs associated with these conditions are significant for the entire health system.
As a result of these financial concerns, healthcare investment is pulling back from business models that have not yet shown measurable outcomes. This is causing a shift in the US healthcare value chain. It is also affecting payers, providers, and HST players.
Healthcare technology is increasingly being used to enhance efficiency and patient experience. Specifically, more hospitals are looking to leverage alternative care delivery models to reduce costs. And a growing number of healthcare professionals are adopting telehealth.
The health sector’s use of smart technologies has been steadily increasing over the past several years. Many of these innovations are designed to help with clinical decision making.
Digital health and IoT tools have the potential to change the interaction patterns between healthcare workers and patients. They can provide a variety of benefits, including enhanced patient convenience and reduced costs for patients. But they also raise issues of cybersecurity, data privacy, and interoperability.
In order to use these tools, healthcare workers need to be educated and trained on the new interface. In addition, patients need to be informed about the latest technologies. However, it is important to remember that these trends are still a work in progress.
As a result, the technology can help hospitals optimize operational efficiency and increase access. It can also enhance clinical workflows. For example, a smart inhaler connects with a mobile app to track patients’ usage. This in turn helps doctors and technicians diagnose problems early.
The emergence of IoT in healthcare has been driven by a number of factors. One major issue is the digital divide. Depending on the region, the availability of digital infrastructure will vary. Thus, it will also impact the level of adoption of IoT tools in healthcare.
Another challenge is that the data security of these devices is still being worked out. Aside from the privacy issue, the reliability of these devices in terms of performance, connections, and real-time data delivery will be crucial.
The use of IoT devices for patient monitoring is one of the fastest growing digital health trends. Patients can wear sensors that monitor their glucose levels or sleep patterns. Physiological data is collected and transmitted to the cloud where it can be used for clinical decision making.

Augmented reality
AR (Augmented Reality) has many applications in the health care industry. These include education, communication, and even training. Augmented reality is also used to aid in diagnosis and treatment.
There are a variety of augmented reality applications, ranging from vein visualisation to surgical visualization. For example, AccuVein is an augmented reality app that projects a map of the veins onto the user’s skin. This technology has already been used in hospitals.
The emergence of more advanced technologies will expand the scope of augmented reality capabilities. One day, augmented reality may be used to treat patients during military conflicts. In the meantime, the health care field is likely to be among the first to adopt augmented reality.
Besides enhancing patient care, augmented reality can enhance operations and increase efficiency. It can also help healthcare providers reduce their organizational workloads. Likewise, augmented reality can facilitate the collaboration between pharmaceutical companies and doctors.
Ultimately, augmented reality will enable users to monitor their health and improve their lifestyle. Moreover, it can provide alternate treatment options for patients, which could lead to a better quality of life.
Virtual reality has shown promise in post-stroke rehabilitation, eating disorders, and chronic pain. However, these are just a few of the numerous applications of VR. Nonetheless, it is a technology that is bound to transform the way that we live.
The adoption of augmented and virtual reality in the healthcare industry will create new opportunities for both healthcare professionals and payers. This will enable healthcare organizations to provide improved patient care and improve patient outcomes.
Blockchain for digital health has several advantages, including security and traceability. It can provide the opportunity to build trust in the management of medical data, which will result in better diagnoses and more effective treatment options.
It can also facilitate the flow of information, by enabling users to customise their personal data and the distribution of said data. In addition, it is a reliable method of sharing information.
It is important to note that, unlike traditional databases, the blockchain database does not have a centralised storage. Information is stored and updated through a variety of networks. The resulting reduction in intermediation means lower transaction costs.
While there are many benefits to using the technology, it is important to bear in mind that the real challenge is to gain the trust of users. As such, companies must develop solutions that are palatable to patients and respect their privacy.
In particular, there are a number of applications for the tech, from securing medical data to unifying the information that accompanies patients through the various stages of their treatment. Using the technology has allowed doctors and nurses to access information automatically.
The blockchain is not just a way to store and share data, but also a technologically advanced way to create a single, longitudinal record of patient activity. This record will provide patients with the ability to monitor their treatment progress, as well as their personal health data.
Telemedicine, a clinical application of technology, provides real-time, two-way interactive communication between a health care professional and a patient. It can be used to address a wide range of medical concerns, from pregnancy to mental illness.
It also supports long-distance clinical care and public health administration. Telemedicine benefits people of all ages, from pediatrics to older patients. Using telehealth can help reduce travel time and delays in primary and specialty care, and increase access to specialty consultations for patients in rural areas.
Medical software is a key part of telemedicine. It can consolidate large amounts of data, integrate artificial intelligence, and support clinical decisions. By giving a comprehensive profile of the patient to the physician, it improves the level of support and accuracy that is available for clinical decision making.
Mobile health apps are a growing solution for telemedicine. They enable patients to schedule appointments, refill prescriptions, monitor their health, and document symptoms. The mobile app can be downloaded on the phone, enabling users to carry out functions that would typically require in-person visits.
Telemedicine can also improve collaborative care delivery models. With advanced analytics, it is possible to create a feedback loop on the impact of evidence-based treatment. This can help hospitals and clinics predict admission rates and staff scheduling more accurately.
Telemedicine can be especially beneficial to patients with chronic diseases or those who are immunocompromised. It also provides a bridge to care during a pandemic.
Trend in Digital Healthcare Patents
Thanks to public and private support for research and development, the US is experiencing a digital health revolution. A new report from the US Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) shows that a growing number of digital health devices and services are being patented, indicating continued growth for the digital healthcare market in the US. The report also provides insight into trends in intellectual property protection across the industry.
There has been a significant increase in the number of patents being filed in the field of digital healthcare in recent years. Some of the key areas in which patents are being filed include telemedicine, electronic health records, medical devices, and health data analytics. Companies such as IBM, GE, and Microsoft have been some of the most active filers of patents in this space. Additionally, there has also been a rise in the number of patents being filed by healthcare providers, insurance companies and startups.
Some specific areas of focus of patents in digital healthcare include remote patient monitoring, mhealth and wearables, AI in healthcare and personalized medicine. The trend of digitalization in healthcare is expected to continue growing in the future as technology advances and more companies invest in this field.
How does Technology and Patents affect Digital Healthcare?
Today, innovation and patented technology is playing a critical role in healthcare.
Technology can assist doctors in making quick and accurate diagnoses, improving communication with patients and even helping out with “in the moment” decision making. The use of software and web applications is growing within the healthcare industry.
The US healthcare system is the largest single employer in the US. The physicians, nurses and other health care professionals are highly compensated experts in their field. Many patients do not have access to these doctors, however, simply because they cannot afford the care. Since technology can lower costs by vastly improving efficiency and effectiveness, we believe that it will also impact health care for all Americans.
Healthcare in the United States has experienced a dramatic transformation over the last two decades as technology has become more prevalent in nearly every aspect of the industry. This increased use of technology in healthcare led to an increase in patient outcomes and quality of care, while also decreasing costs.
Why Digital Healthcare Patents in the US are Growing at such a Fast Pace?
Patents are a valuable asset for any company in the healthcare industry, especially one that grows at the rate of digital health. Considering the US, the growth of digital healthcare patents is important because it could be one of the most transformative areas for patenting, as well as a major source of revenue.
Healthcare patents are growing in importance as people’s access to life saving drugs, technology and equipment is dependent on their use of the newest and best technologies. They are responsible for billions of dollars in revenue for companies and the search to patent new technologies will continue to grow as advancements are made in healthcare.
Drawbacks in Patenting Digital Healthcare Technology
Patents for digital healthcare products have been granted in the United States in the past. However, there have been several challenges to these patents and questions about their scope and validity.
There are several drawbacks of digital healthcare, such as technical problems, security concerns and privacy issues.
Patents are needed to protect new innovations and encourage innovators. However, there are too many patents for the same thing, or for something that does not need patent protection. And this costs individuals and companies money because of licensing fees, royalties and legal expenses. This is why many businesses are moving to a combination of trade secrets and patents nowadays.
Considering the digital healthcare system, there are several issues that prevail:
- The technology may also create new difficulties for patients who have trouble communicating with their doctors or using electronic medical records.
- The US healthcare system does not have universal coverage and there are many problems with the current digital health model in the US. Healthcare providers and patients don’t always have access to digital technology and doctors and often have inadequate training to use sophisticated computer-based systems. In addition, doctors can be disadvantaged by defensive practice patterns in the system that result from a lack of trust between doctor and patient.
- There’s lack of a unified system that can be accessed by all citizens. Sometimes, a patient needs to log into multiple sites to have information related to a single episode or condition shared between providers.
Even after the drawbacks, digital health is becoming increasingly important in the US. As we face a more complex and competitive healthcare market, providers are looking to digital technologies to provide enhanced care quality, better patient outcomes and improved cost efficiency.
The importance of digital healthcare in the US is slowly becoming clear. Patients are demanding more access and engagement, while providers are being led by the companies that create software to make these changes possible.
Offensive and defensive patenting are two different strategies that can be used when it comes to digital healthcare inventions.
Offensive patenting involves proactively seeking patents on new technologies and innovations in order to prevent competitors from using them. This strategy is often used by companies that are developing new digital healthcare technologies and want to establish a dominant position in the market. By obtaining patents on key technologies, companies can prevent competitors from using those technologies without paying licensing fees, which can provide a significant revenue stream.
Defensive patenting, on the other hand, involves obtaining patents as a defensive measure to protect against potential infringement lawsuits from competitors. This strategy is often used by companies that have already established a strong position in the market and want to protect their existing technology from being copied by others. By obtaining patents on existing technologies, companies can create a “patent thicket” that makes it difficult for competitors to enter the market without risking a lawsuit.
A combination of offensive and defensive patenting can be a more effective strategy for digital healthcare companies. By obtaining patents on new technologies, companies can establish a dominant position in the market, while also protecting their existing technologies from being copied by competitors. Additionally, licensing and cross-licensing agreements with other companies can be a way to monetize the patents and also to reduce the risk of patent litigation. It is important to note that in the healthcare field, IP protection strategies should be aligned with the overall business strategy and the company’s mission. Also, it is important to keep in mind that the healthcare field is highly regulated and that any new technology should comply with the relevant regulations before it can be commercialized.
All the above stated points lead to the analysis of the latest digital healthcare patent examples.