Artificial Intelligence (AI) is transforming industries around the globe, driving innovation and creating new opportunities. The rapid advancements in AI technology have led to a surge in patent filings as companies seek to protect their intellectual property. This article explores the latest statistics and trends in AI patenting, providing valuable insights for businesses, researchers, and innovators. Understanding these trends helps stakeholders navigate the evolving landscape of AI innovation and leverage patent protection to their advantage.

1. How Much Have AI Patent Grants Increased Worldwide?

From 2021 to 2022, AI patent grants worldwide increased by 62.7%. This significant rise underscores the growing importance of AI technologies and the efforts by companies to secure intellectual property rights.

The increase in granted patents reflects advancements in AI applications across various sectors and the ongoing investment in AI research and development.

As AI continues to evolve, the trend of rising patent grants is likely to persist, highlighting the dynamic nature of this field.

2. How Has the Number of Granted AI Patents Changed Since 2010?

Since 2010, the number of granted AI patents has increased more than 31 times. This exponential growth indicates the rapid pace of innovation in AI and the expanding scope of AI technologies.

The surge in patent grants over the past decade reflects the widespread adoption of AI in industries such as healthcare, finance, automotive, and consumer electronics.

Companies are increasingly recognizing the strategic importance of securing patents to protect their AI innovations and maintain a competitive edge.

3. Which Company Holds the Most AI Patent Families?

IBM holds over 7,000 AI patent families, making it a leading holder of AI patents. IBM’s extensive patent portfolio demonstrates its strong commitment to AI research and innovation.

The company’s patents cover a wide range of AI applications, including machine learning, natural language processing, and data analytics.

By securing a large number of patents, IBM not only protects its technological advancements but also positions itself as a key player in the AI industry.

4. Who Owns the Largest Number of Active Machine Learning and AI Patent Families Globally?

Baidu owns the largest number of active machine learning and AI patent families globally, with 13,993 active patent families.

Baidu’s leadership in AI patents highlights its significant investment in AI research and development. The company’s patents span various AI technologies, including deep learning, speech recognition, and autonomous driving.

Baidu’s extensive patent portfolio underscores its role as a major innovator in the AI landscape, particularly in China and globally.

5. How Much Did AI Patent Applications Increase at the USPTO from 2022 to 2023?

The United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) saw a 20% increase in AI patent applications from 2022 to 2023.

This rise in patent filings reflects the growing interest in AI technologies among inventors and businesses in the United States.

The increase also indicates a heightened focus on securing intellectual property rights for AI innovations, as companies recognize the strategic importance of patents in maintaining a competitive advantage in the rapidly evolving AI market.

6. Which Country Leads in AI Patent Applications?

China leads in AI patent applications, with approximately 389,571 AI-related patents filed by the end of 2023. China’s dominance in AI patent filings highlights its commitment to becoming a global leader in AI technology.

The high number of patent applications is driven by significant investments in AI research and development, as well as government initiatives to promote innovation.

China’s focus on AI patents reflects its strategic goal of achieving technological leadership and economic growth through advanced technologies.

7. How Did AI Patent Filings Change at the European Patent Office in 2023?

The European Patent Office (EPO) reported a 30% increase in AI patent filings in 2023 compared to 2022. This growth in patent applications indicates the expanding interest in AI technologies within Europe.

The increase also reflects the region’s emphasis on innovation and the importance of protecting intellectual property.

As European companies and research institutions continue to develop new AI applications, the trend of rising patent filings is expected to continue.

8. What Was the Increase in AI Patent Applications in Japan in 2023?

The number of AI patent applications in Japan increased by 15% in 2023. This growth demonstrates Japan’s ongoing investment in AI research and development.

Japanese companies and research institutions are actively working on AI innovations, leading to a steady rise in patent filings.

The increase in applications highlights Japan’s commitment to maintaining its position as a technological leader in AI.

9. How Did AI Patent Filings in the Healthcare Sector Change in 2023?

The healthcare sector saw a 40% rise in AI patent filings in 2023.

This substantial increase reflects the growing role of AI in transforming healthcare, from diagnostics and treatment planning to personalized medicine and medical imaging.

The rise in patent filings indicates that healthcare companies are increasingly leveraging AI technologies to innovate and improve patient outcomes.

Securing patents for these innovations is crucial for protecting intellectual property and driving further advancements in healthcare.

10. What Percentage of AI Patent Filings in 2023 Were in the Financial Services Sector?

Financial services accounted for 25% of all AI patent filings in 2023.

The significant proportion of patent filings in this sector highlights the transformative impact of AI on financial services, including areas such as fraud detection, risk management, trading algorithms, and customer service automation.

What Percentage of AI Patent Filings in 2023 Were in the Financial Services Sector?

Companies in the financial sector are investing heavily in AI to enhance operational efficiency, improve customer experiences, and gain a competitive edge.

The high number of patent filings reflects the importance of protecting these technological advancements.

11. How Did AI Patent Applications in the Automotive Industry Change in 2023?

The automotive industry experienced a 35% increase in AI patent applications in 2023.

This growth is driven by the integration of AI technologies in various aspects of automotive design and manufacturing, including autonomous driving, predictive maintenance, and smart manufacturing.

The rise in patent applications indicates that automotive companies are actively developing and securing AI innovations to enhance vehicle performance, safety, and user experience.

12. How Much Did AI-Related Patents in the Field of Robotics Grow in 2023?

AI-related patents in the field of robotics grew by 45% in 2023. This significant increase underscores the expanding role of AI in robotics, enabling advancements in automation, precision, and efficiency.

Patents in this field cover a wide range of applications, from industrial robots and medical robots to service robots and autonomous drones.

The growth in AI-related robotics patents highlights the ongoing innovation and the strategic importance of securing intellectual property in this rapidly evolving sector.

13. How Many AI Patents Did Microsoft Hold by the End of 2023?

Microsoft held just under 6,000 AI patents by the end of 2023. Microsoft’s extensive portfolio of AI patents reflects its significant investment in AI research and development.

The company’s patents span various AI technologies, including machine learning, computer vision, natural language processing, and cloud computing.

By securing a large number of patents, Microsoft strengthens its position as a leading innovator in the AI industry and protects its technological advancements.

14. Which Company Was the Top Filer of AI Patents in South Korea in 2023?

Samsung was the top filer of AI patents in South Korea, with 5,789 patents in 2023. Samsung’s leadership in AI patent filings highlights its commitment to AI research and innovation.

The company’s patents cover a diverse range of AI applications, from consumer electronics and mobile devices to semiconductors and home appliances.

Samsung’s extensive patent portfolio underscores its strategic focus on securing intellectual property and maintaining a competitive edge in the global market.

15. How Did AI Patent Filings in India Change from 2022 to 2023?

The AI patent filings in India increased by 25% from 2022 to 2023. This growth indicates India’s rising involvement in AI innovation and its efforts to become a significant player in the global AI landscape.

The increase in patent filings reflects the growing number of AI research initiatives, startups, and collaborations between industry and academia in India.

Securing patents is crucial for protecting these innovations and fostering a conducive environment for further AI development.

16. How Many AI Patents Were Granted by the USPTO in 2023?

The number of AI patents granted by the USPTO in 2023 was 17,118. This high number of granted patents reflects the substantial volume of AI innovations being developed and commercialized.

The USPTO’s role in granting patents is critical for ensuring that inventors and companies can protect their intellectual property and gain recognition for their technological advancements.

The large number of granted patents also indicates the growing maturity and commercialization of AI technologies.

How Many AI Patents Were Granted by the USPTO in 2023?

17. What is the Average Time to Process AI Patent Applications at the USPTO?

The average time to process AI patent applications at the USPTO is 23.4 months. This processing time includes various stages such as filing, examination, and granting of the patent.

The timeline reflects the complexity of AI technologies and the thorough review process required to ensure that the patents meet all legal and technical standards.

Understanding the average processing time helps inventors and companies plan their patent strategies and manage their expectations regarding the timeline for securing patent protection.

18. How Many AI Patents Were Granted in the European Union in 2023?

Over 3,000 AI patents were granted in the European Union in 2023. The high number of granted patents highlights the active role of European companies and research institutions in AI innovation.

The European Patent Office (EPO) plays a crucial role in examining and granting patents, ensuring that AI innovations are adequately protected.

The large number of granted patents indicates the vibrant AI ecosystem in Europe and the region’s commitment to fostering technological advancement.

19. How Did AI Patent Litigation Cases Change in 2023?

AI patent litigation cases increased by 10% in 2023. This rise in litigation is driven by the growing number of AI patents and the competitive nature of the AI industry.

As more companies develop and patent AI technologies, the potential for disputes over intellectual property rights increases.

Patent litigation is a critical aspect of protecting innovations and resolving conflicts between parties claiming similar technologies.

The increase in litigation cases highlights the importance of having robust legal strategies and the need for companies to actively monitor and enforce their patent rights.

20. What is the Expected Growth Rate of the AI Patent Market from 2024 to 2030?

The AI patent market is expected to grow at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 12% from 2024 to 2030. This projected growth underscores the expanding scope and impact of AI technologies across various industries.

The increasing number of AI applications and the continuous innovation in this field drive the demand for patent protection.

Companies are investing heavily in AI research and development, and securing patents is crucial for safeguarding these investments.

The anticipated growth rate reflects the strategic importance of AI patents in the global technology landscape.

21. How Did AI Patents Related to Image Processing Change in 2023?

AI patents related to image processing increased by 50% in 2023.

This significant growth is driven by advancements in computer vision and the widespread adoption of image processing technologies in sectors such as healthcare, security, and automotive.

Patents in this area cover innovations in facial recognition, object detection, image enhancement, and medical imaging.

The rise in image processing patents highlights the ongoing innovation and the critical role of AI in transforming how visual data is analyzed and utilized.

22. How Many AI Patents Were Filed by Universities and Research Institutions in 2023?

The number of AI patents filed by universities and research institutions grew by 20% in 2023. This increase demonstrates the active role of academic and research entities in advancing AI technologies.

Universities and research institutions are at the forefront of AI innovation, contributing to foundational research and developing new applications.

The growth in patent filings reflects their commitment to protecting intellectual property and translating research outcomes into practical solutions.

Collaborations between academia and industry further drive the commercialization of AI technologies.

23. How Did AI Patent Applications in the Field of Natural Language Processing Change in 2023?

AI patent applications in the field of natural language processing (NLP) rose by 35% in 2023.

This increase highlights the rapid advancements and growing interest in NLP technologies, which enable machines to understand, interpret, and respond to human language.

Patents in this field cover various applications, including chatbots, language translation, sentiment analysis, and voice assistants.

The rise in NLP patent applications underscores the importance of these technologies in enhancing human-computer interaction and automating complex linguistic tasks.

24. How Extensive is Google’s AI Patent Portfolio as of 2023?

Google’s AI patent portfolio includes over 3,500 patents as of 2023. Google’s extensive portfolio reflects its significant investment in AI research and development.

The company’s patents span various AI technologies, including machine learning, data analytics, computer vision, and NLP.

By securing a large number of patents, Google strengthens its position as a leading innovator in the AI industry and protects its technological advancements.

The breadth of Google’s patent portfolio demonstrates its strategic focus on AI and its commitment to driving innovation in this field.

25. How Did AI Patent Filings by Start-ups Change in 2023?

AI patent filings by start-ups increased by 30% in 2023.

This growth highlights the vibrant ecosystem of AI innovation among start-ups, which are often at the cutting edge of developing new AI applications and technologies.

How Did AI Patent Filings by Start-ups Change in 2023?

Start-ups play a crucial role in driving technological advancements and bringing disruptive innovations to market.

The increase in patent filings indicates that start-ups are actively protecting their intellectual property, which is essential for attracting investment, gaining a competitive edge, and ensuring long-term success.

26. How Did AI-Related Cybersecurity Patents Change in 2023?

AI-related cybersecurity patents saw a 40% increase in 2023. This significant growth reflects the critical role of AI in enhancing cybersecurity measures.

AI technologies are being used to detect and prevent cyber threats, automate security responses, and analyze large volumes of data for potential vulnerabilities.

The rise in cybersecurity patents highlights the ongoing innovation in this field and the importance of protecting intellectual property to maintain robust security solutions.

Companies are investing in AI-driven cybersecurity to address the growing challenges of protecting digital assets and ensuring data privacy.

27. How Many AI Patent Applications Did the EPO Receive in 2023?

The European Patent Office (EPO) received 10,412 AI patent applications in 2023. This substantial number of applications indicates the active role of Europe in AI innovation.

The EPO’s involvement in examining and granting patents is crucial for protecting AI technologies developed by European companies and research institutions.

The high number of applications reflects the region’s emphasis on fostering innovation and securing intellectual property rights.

It also demonstrates the vibrant AI ecosystem in Europe and the importance of patent protection in supporting technological advancements.

28. What Percentage of the World’s Total AI Patent Filings Were Represented by China in 2023?

AI patent filings in China represented 60% of the world’s total AI patent filings in 2023.

This dominance underscores China’s leading position in AI innovation and its strategic focus on becoming a global leader in this field.

The high percentage of patent filings is driven by substantial investments in AI research and development, as well as government initiatives to promote technological advancement.

China’s focus on AI patents reflects its commitment to securing intellectual property rights and fostering a competitive environment for innovation.

29. How Did AI Patent Applications in the Field of Autonomous Driving Technologies Change in 2023?

AI patent applications in the field of autonomous driving technologies increased by 45% in 2023. This growth is driven by the advancements and investments in developing self-driving vehicles and related technologies.

Patents in this area cover innovations in sensor technology, machine learning algorithms, navigation systems, and vehicle-to-everything (V2X) communication.

The rise in patent applications highlights the ongoing efforts to bring autonomous driving to market and the importance of protecting these innovations to maintain a competitive edge in the automotive industry.

30. How Many AI Patent Applications Were Recorded by the USPTO in 2023?

The USPTO recorded 45,600 AI patent applications in 2023. This high number of applications reflects the substantial interest and investment in AI technologies in the United States.

The USPTO’s role in processing these applications is critical for ensuring that AI innovations are adequately protected and recognized.

The large volume of patent applications indicates the dynamic and competitive nature of the AI industry in the U.S., highlighting the importance of securing intellectual property rights to drive innovation and commercial success.


The landscape of AI innovations and patenting is rapidly evolving, with significant growth in patent filings across various sectors and regions.

Understanding these trends and statistics is crucial for businesses, researchers, and innovators looking to navigate the complexities of AI patenting.

By securing patents, companies can protect their technological advancements, gain a competitive edge, and foster further innovation.

As AI continues to transform industries, the importance of robust patent strategies and intellectual property protection cannot be overstated.